Watching Snow Burn Like A Paper To A Flame

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"I gotcha" I yelled while holding her hand over the ledge. "Let me go!" She fought with me, while trying to break way from me. "Why are you trying to kill yourself? What does your friend have to do with me?" I asked as I struggled to keep her. "Because Sage loved you and I was only a sister to him" she cried " You don't get it do you Scarlett, he left the house to find you. But instead he found so much more. He nearly died that night trying to stop you from dying." She cried " Just let me go please...I can't live in this world without him, don't you understand that." She begged. " But Amelia, him and I are only friends" Her eyes widen, as the snow sheet behind the loft stared to shift. "Give me your hand!" I yelled. But she only looked at me with eyes of tears. "Let me go you're self please. There isn't time for both of us to get out of this house." She grabbed my arm as I pulled her up, only to sucker punch me as she fell. "Find Sage, Scarlett you have to find Sage" We're her only words as I watched her fall, yet I turned away, for I couldn't bare the horror of what may have happen. But just as fast as the snow shifted, it stopped. As I ran outside I noticed the snow fell in the opposite direction. I fell to my knees. " Was her death in vain?" I hope she can swim....

About a month had gone by and I had established myself at home in the loft. I wasn't proud of it but atleast here I was safe and Ricky wouldn't find me,i felt. I haven't heard from Amelia, so I can only assume the worst, but her last words do give me some hope, maybe Sage is still alive out there, atleast I know now that he didn't die in that fire.

Late on that night I decided to travel back to my sisters place and father up some more cherry blossoms for my tragic yet harmless addiction. It was late out and I wound myself, lost down a darken street. I could hear foot steps behind me as the wind started to whisper. I could feel a cold chill come over me, as I started to run. I still don't quite know what it was I was even hearing nor running from but I was scared out of my mind, I hide in a near by alley way behind a snow cover dumpster and waited. I could feel my heart pounding and racing as I stood there breathless. Was it Ricky? Did he find me? I couldn't think straight and I decided to return back to my house another wasted day I thought. But yet as I arrived back to the loft there was a pile of cherry blossoms at my door step there was more than enough to last the whole year here. No one person could of carried all these. But I wasn't about the ask questions my drugs were mine once again and I had new ideas.

A tablespoon of sugar
A cup of crushed cherry blossoms
A quart of vodka
And a drop of my select

It smells heavenly, I thought to myself, as I warmed my mixture on the stove top. All I could think about where those who had been taken from me. Yea, I guess I don't know if Sage, or Amelia are dead but my sister is she? I don't even recall anymore. I don't know of im to blame or if everything is just constructed to bring me to my demise. As I laid up against the froze bitten glass door to the balcony, I took shot after shot of my concoction it warmed my innermost workings as I pasted out drifting into a place I know not of...

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