Blood Stained Snow

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It's been two years since the events that have lead up to this all started. Honestly, maybe all of this was simply constructed to be my very demise. Eh, either way I'm still heading else wear. The once comforting snow now only force me to relive the moments, those grave moments.

It feel like yesterday, the gun shots, the smell of burning cherry blossoms, the ash filled snow, the black spots I dropped in the snow. It was all so long ago, yet the smell of it all still lingers. I can taste it, I can smell it, I can feel it. It's in my hair, it circulates in my lungs.

Oh my, what am I becoming. I stare at my hands and I see blood stains, I blink or look away, and the stains leave. These images flash here and there, at times I'm in a completely different in place. But who's, who's blood is it any ways. My sisters? Crescents? Or maybe Sages. It's not my fault, I couldn't save any of them.

I wonder down an alley, collapsing in the snow. It's so warm here I think to myself. I turn towards the sky as I light my last cig. " God I miss Sage" I softly mouth but no words come out. I haven't slept in weeks how long until my next spill? I can't keep avoiding the problem, the Ricky problem.

As I stare into the heavens, my only fear is that I'll fall asleep or maybe that "He" will find me. I don't know what to do anymore. These once complex thoughts, turn soul as I fade away watching the dim street light flicker in my face.

It's always the same...The dark grays and harsh reds. The blood stains on my hand, the smell of burning cherries as well as the wood of my home. The clouds swirl violently, as I'm lifted into a hell of a life that I never asked for! I fight and force back the winds that move me. And just like that it's always the same every time...I awake with the blood of another's on my hands, and the scent of burning cherries. But, in fact I'm still laying there exhausted from my sleep deprivation I roll over into the snow, odd that it's coldness makes me feel alive.

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