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"Bell! Lefiya! What took you two so long?" Finn asked

"Just a moment Finn the runic circle is glowing! we should be ready any Moment!"

"Great! But try to speed it up a bit, I Can't hold them much longer!"

"I'll help you!!!"

"No Wiene!!!! You need to stay with Bell and Lefiya! The Circle only works when a Human, an Elf, and a Monster are in it, and I see no other Xenos here!"

The circle Glowed in a bright ocean blue, the only thing Bell could still see were Wiene and Lefiya.

"So you two are going to come with me? I must say that is really a nice surprise"

"I can think of worse things then being teleported to a unknown place with my Human Boy" Lefiya said teasingly

"Oh come on Lefiya! can you just call me Bell?"

"No Chance my Human Boy!"

"I hope Finn is alright" Wiene said worried

Lefiya and Bell looked to each other, Wiene was just too adorable for this World.

And to both of them it was clear that the brave Captain of the Loki Familia was already Dead.
But before the could say Anything the light became even brighter and they disappeared in it.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                              Lefiya p.o.v

"Hey Elve I'm talking to you"

What happened to my Head? I know this Magic Travel would bring me some sort of Headache, but that was too much!

I thought I heard Bete's voice, even though the Gray puppy died Three Year's ago.

"I'm talking to you pointed Ear!!!!"

That..... Was impossible..... Bete was Dead! But here he stands right in front of me.

I pinched him on his right, I just had to have proof myself that this was real

"Ahhhh...... That hurts you little...."

I started to cry and hugged him, I held him so tight that Riviera had to pry us apart with her staff
Tiona and Tione laughed at me for my obscure behavior,

"You guys *sniff* *sniff*..... you Guys are all here.... I believed I would never see you again....." I stuttered crying

"It's all okay now"

it sounds like you had a very bad dream" Riviera said

"But.... but..... you all.... you....... died.... how..... ?"

"Indeed sounds like a very very Bad dream" Riviera told me"

"pah.... I don't die THAT easy " Bete said with a grim Face

"we aren't currently at the 50th floor exactly......."


"A Monster Attack!"

Okay to get things straight, we were currently on the 17th floor and were fighting Minotaur's, sounds Familiar.

I was so distracted that one Minotaur nearly got me

But I was saved by....... NO ....... that couldn't be....

Long Blond Hair that was blowing like the wind.....

Bell and Lefiyas wonderful Time travel Adventure Where stories live. Discover now