A Gift with Confliction

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Bell's p.o.v

"would you Go with me to the Monsterphilia?" Lefiya asked me
"sure but Lefiya..." I started
"yes yes I know, Freya is going to mess the whole thing up! I was there last time did you forget?" Lefiya said
"well truth be told most of it wasn't really her fault she couldn't foresee that..." I tried to arguing
"yes yes I do know Human Boy, EVILUS......" I felt a shiver run down my spin by the pure Mention of that Name.
Evilius was the TRUE ENEMY of Orario even BEFORE I knew about them EVEN BEFORE they Joined that MONSTERS.
"yes I know all of that, but do you really have to always defend her? I thought I was your GIRLFRIEND NOT HER!!!!" Lefiya yelled at me
"I'm ... Not... With Syr-san ... that .... I only want to treat her fairly" I only found my courage again at the latter half of what I wanted to say.
"hmhmhm ahahaha hahaha so... Hahaha hahaha good... I can't..... Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha" Lefiya started to uncontrollably laugh until tears run down her Face
She wiped her Tears away " hahaha no problem Human Boy, I know She's a sister to you, but your so funny to tease. "That was mean Lefiya!" I said
"hahaha! Your face after being tricked is always Priceless hahaha!" Lefiya couldn't stop laughing, but I wasn't offended by it, in fact the laughter of my little Elf Girl was just as Beautiful as she was. "your smile is beautiful Lefiya-san" I told her without thinking "You really ARE a Charmer Human Boy aren't you?" Lefiya asked still smiling "but... I'm not... really... why do....?" I started to stumble "hahaha! You... Can still be so awkward Bell!" I don't know if I should mention it here but the two most Beautiful sounds I know were Lefiya's Laugh and Wiene's sneezing. "By the way that would be or first Date in this new Timeline if I remember that correctly" Lefiya told me "yes I think your right with this Lefiya" I said while blushing Lefiya and I bend closer to each other, we looked each other in the eyes, we were just about to Kiss when an unwanted interruption came. "Hey Cloudhead Miaiu and your Miau"....


"so that was how Freya put you in her Trap? Just make you carry her wallet after her?" Lefiya asked
"Urgh! Yes, not over complicated, just a simple Quest with the Intention to lure me into a bunch of Monsters" I answered
"I can't believe that really no one was hurt!" Lefiya said
"well to be truthful, Syr-san arranged a meeting with Loki and Aiz to make sure no ACCIDENT might occur..." I told her
"YOU DEFENDED HER AGAIN!!!!!" Lefiya reproachfully
"NO! ... I ..... I just tell the truth!!!!"I now tried to defend myself "hahaha I Know silly Human Boy" Lefiya said and kissed me.
"Oh! It's starting!" Lefiya's Eyes were now fixed on the Arena while the first Monsters were brought in. Lefiya smiled and cheered for the Tamers, and some point she wildly clapped her Hands and couldn't stop applauding the show "I can't help but being even more amazed now that I know about the Xenos and the true purpose of this show". I smiled at her, Lefiya was very quick in making friends with the Xenos, Fear especially became a close friend of her. Oh fuck! It is already Time?" Lefiya said after a Cowboy ridding a Baby Dragon arrived in the Arena "Lefiya what?....." "no time Bell, Freya already freed the Monsters by now, we need to go and Help!" "oh!" was all I mutter out before we jumped on our way out of the Arena.

Lefiya p.o.v.

Bell and I managed to eliminate the escaped Monsters in a few Moments, Bell even found the right Chance to bring Freya her Wallet,
even the Silverback was no Match for our combined power, so we headed for the Marketplace.

The Viola was already running Rampage so Bell and I had to take these ugly imposter plants on, as an Elf I naturally love flowers, so this Dirty Imposter made me sick "I'm just so glad you can't become a Xenos" I subconsciously told the Frightening thing
Than I started chanting,
"Lefiya what are you doing! You know that thing can sense Magic!" Bell screams at me
"I know stupid Human Boy!" while it was nerving that he underestimated me, it still filled me with Joy to know that my Darling was concerned for the well being of his Wife. I had Mastered my Current chanting so it wasn't really to complicated to Avoid the Attacks of the Attacks of the Viola and cast my Spell " the sound of sneaking Cats The Tongues of the Birds The Beards Woman The Holy Spirits will forge them all To hold the Greed Beast and prevent its Hunger from reaching Heaven For the Sake of all Worlds Come forth unbroken Chains VINCULA COERCENDI ! My Name is Alf!" This was my Strongest restraint Spell, I only Mastered it a Month before we went back in time The Spell did it's Job, golden Chains appeared and held all Violas in place and Bell and I could exterminate this ugly Abomination! When Aiz and the Twins arrived we were already done with everything. I gave Bell a Victory kiss and said far well. That was possibly the best Date we ever had.

Bell p.o.v.


{STR} E 420 > SSS 1250

{VIT} B 700 > X 2000

{DEX} D 530 > SSS 1500

{AGI} B 700 > X 2200

{MAG} D 570 > X 2150


Fire bolt
Gloria Obumbratio
Frozen Arrow
Lightning Storm


Liaris freeze
Ox slayer
Aero Mana
All mac Midna

Development Ability

Mystery I > H

Escape H > E

Luck I

Abnormal Resistance I > F

Mage I > E

Magic Resistance I > F

Swordsman I > H

Spirit healing I > F

Elemental Resistance I

"I.... I can't believe this " goddess -sama said while looking to my Status
"you jumped over entire ranges with your ability's!!!!!!" she told me
"I... I guess I was just lucky again....?" I told her and hoped she would not peek deeper in to it
"by the way I have something for you Bell!" she said and gave me something that was Wrapped in a Bunch of Fabric, I already knew what it was
"Tata-Tata-da The Hestia Knife!!!!" my Goddess told me in excitement
I smiled, it was good to have my old Partner Back!


"are you interested in this? A customer forgot it after work-end, and didn't came to get it back......"
I rolled my eyes, I know she got that specifically for me.
"here you can borrow it" Syr/Freya said.
I looked at the Grimoire to Syr and Back.
There was a little voice in my Head that said "you can't except that from her"
After all Lefiya was right, Syr or Freya was indeed like a Big Sister to me, she helped me SO MUCH! she gave me this Book, she let Ottar train Asterius, she helped me in the War Game, she saved me and Harumie from Phyrne, and she even fooled Hermes traitorous plan and in that saved the Xenos! There was so much I had to be thankful to her.
She indeed was like a Big sister, and I loved her like a Sister but not more.
In the End I think it would be ungraceful to deny a Gift you Big Sister gave you, even if I was conflicted about it.

"thank you Syr-san"

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