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Lefiya P.O.V


“so the Suspect is a Woman?"
" and Capable of killing a Level 4?"
The ugly scare faced Human and his Cientroph Companion looke at us with suspicion
" Well rhat's add's up thosen't ? You folk's act like you just came along, but who dosen't see it wasn't one of you all along?”
I was silent long enough, i still couldn't believe that this Guys were willing to literally usa a case of MURDER!!! To satisfy their low instincts.
"thats right anyone of you could have seduced him and......." i Face slapped him
"how dae you suggest me something so vulgar!!! I already have a Boyfriend and he is a thousand times more Handsome than any of you Pigs, and if i tell him about this he would Roast you two to ash!!!" I yelled at that perverted Idiots.
The Two looked at us with "is-is that true?" the Dog Mann asked our Captain.
“is what true?” Finn asked the lowlifes seriously distracted
"that she .....” he pointed the Finger towards me rude as he was "she has a Handsome Boyfriend who would burn us to ash"
Finn laughed " well, yes she *has* a Boyfriend who -nothing against you- looks way better than both of you, but i wouldn't worry to much about him coming here and hahaha!- *roast* you"
“and why?” the scare faced Mann asked.
“Because he is only a Level One so he Probably wouldn't even manage to come here, let alone defeat you two" Finn explained
"you can't know that!!!" i yelled furiously at our Captain, seriously i can understand that by now he still hadn't a Chance to come to know what Crazy Miracles Bell was able to achieve, but still!!!!
"Lefiya, we all know by now that you love Bell pretty much, but that dosen't Change the Fact that a Level one can't come the way up here." Finn said calmly
"why would a Member of Loki Familia waste her time on a Level one ?"" the Idiot asked, i just wanted to give him a fitting answer about Bell being *a waste of time* with my Staff,as Riveria spoke up
"we al started at Level one, didn't we?" she ask "i believe young Lefiya can do with her time what ever she wants to, but i believe we talked enough about her Boyfriend by now .. Could we return to the Murder in front of us?" she said "you have point Riveria, i just thought about why she created such a Chaos after the Deed...." Finn Questioned "Maybe she was searching for something?" Riveria said "so you say she lost her temper and went of? Maybe it was because she couldn't find what she wanted?" the Mann asked "if we assume That's true than the Killer is still here" Finn concluded, "Hä?" the both Mann let out in shock and Fear "just think about it, if you wanted something so badly you kill for it, would you give up so easily? It is just a hunch....." Finn told us, oh how MUCH i wish he wasn't right, i had no interest in meeting Revis ever *again* but i understand we needed to stop Evilus now *before* the could united with this Beasts. "äh Captain..." i asked "yes what is Lefiya" i had to tell him, even if i don't want to i didn't even want to remember it "well the Head of the Corpse is missing, what..... *chokeingn* what if the Murder use it.... As Mask?" "urgh! Cross Lefiya" Tiona said disgusted, Her Sister looked at me awkwardly, Finn gave me a thoughtfull look, while Riveria seemed to study me... "well, this is a rather *unpleasant* Idea but.... Sorryly a possible one...." Riveria admited with extrem discomfort in her Voice "im as disturbed bye that tought not less than you are but, we can't ignore the possibility..." Finn decided.


"Uhhhaaaa!" I heard a loud scream, "of course that would happen!!!!"
I sprinted in the direction of the scream, as i arrived at my destination a saw a very Familiar sight, Ais,Fin,and Reveria were fighting Revis. "dam you!!! How could you know? my Mask was perfect!!!" Revis was outmatched but (to my Horror) could escape. "SHIT! That Bitch escaped!" Tione said, "whe should track her and end this" Tiona said, but she was hold back by Finn "No! We have not the slightest Idea who she is and what she wants, following her now without knowing the destination coul led us to a trap, we need to be on Guard. Also we now know for sure that what she wants is really still here so prepare to defend the City" he comanded. When noticed me our the Pallum looked at me with Clear suspicion in his Eyes "you were right Lefiya" he told me not really keeping the doupt in his Voice sealed away "she really used his Head like a Mask.... How did you forsee this?" he ask me in a way that made me realize i was in trouble. "Ähhh....? Bell .... My Boyfriend.... He loves Farytails, not long ago he told me a Horror Story about somthing similar...." i hoped my stupid Human would save me again with this, "well in that Case we need to thank Bell if we see him the next time..." he still holded suspicion in his Voice. After i had at least temporarily dutchd Finn's suspicion i went to find Lulune. After we talked and i tried to get her to understand i wasn't her Enemy we were attacked by Revis, the Creature graspd my neck and i fought i would die before reaching Level 4 again. Bould before the Creature could blow out the Flame of my life another Flame hit her Face Hard "FIRE BOLT!!!!" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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