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Bells p.o.v

"Level 6?"

"so she finally did it..."I thought
I thought back on this very Moment in melancholy
But this time there was no doubt that Aiz saw me as her enemy...

"hey! Isn't that Argonaut....?

"you mean that Cheater...?"

"i heard that this beautiful Elf Mage by the Loki's is his Girl...."

"i heard rumours his parents were part of evilus...."

"Really but who.....?"

"No clue but the seam to have been big fishes....."

"so do you think Loki orderd thousand Elf to keep an eye on him....?"

"so his Parents help burn the City and as punishment he get to keep a pretty Elf Girl all to himself....?"

"that's all just rumours it like to see some actual proof or else i call bs*"

I knew what i had to do...
It was time for me to go back
It was time to Attack the middle floor's...


Lefiya's p.o.v

"Don't touch me!"i yelled at the perverted ginger Godes

"is good is good....
You know your top tier material right?
I can't believe you are willing to give all this to a stinking Dragon,
But not to me? Your poor dearest Goddess?"

"Loki..."i warned her in an angry tone

"Okay okay i get it.....
You want to eaten up by an Reptile
It's your decision it's fine..
Be happy have fun with it....
But remember to ask Riveria when your going to lay Eggs..."said Loki while putting her hands up in defense

I thought about stuffing her stupid mouth
But i decided that my up-date was more important
So i ignored her...

The Goddess tried to grapple my breasts
I slapd her hands
"they belong only to Bell now"I told Loki in a stern voice
And she scuffed

Lefiya Viridis Level 4

{STR} G 202 - G 215

{VIT} G 222 - G 275

{DEX} E 400 - E 430

{AGI} F 360 - E 400

{MAG} D 520 - C 600


Arcs Ray
Fusillade Fallarica
Elf Ring
Vincula Coercend

Appau tarako


Fairy Canon

Double Canon

Fairy Serenade

Mind load

Fairy Anthem

Angle of Love

Development Ability's

Mage F - E

Abnormal Resistance H

Magic Resistance F

Spirit Healing E

Diving I

Fairy Heart C


"another power boost!
You will be so great on that expedition,
Finn boy's gonn'a be sooo happy!"Loki said happily...
I clench'd my fist i was going to be prepared,time to bring the War to Evilus front door!

For Filvis!!!!

Bell and Lefiyas wonderful Time travel Adventure Where stories live. Discover now