Mind trouble

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Lefiya's p.o.v

"You're nothing but a pointed eared Traitor! I thought that shrinked off!" Tiona said
Urgh! not THAT again!

And just like I remembered Loki jumped out of one of the Pool's and tried to harass me,
But this time her Chin meets my fist, and she fall unconscious before she could grasp anything
after that I left the Bathroom.

I let out a mown of uncertainty, the last time I was here I had a Daydream of Aiz wanting to pet my Head,
of course I was happy she was Alive and well, After all bell and I both loved her more than anyone else, maybe except Wiene, but that wasn't the Point!
WE BOTH LOVED HER! and we came together AFTER she DIED!!! So with her being alive, I was Happy and so was Bell, but there was no doubt that this would mean trouble for our Relationship.
"Miss Lefiya....."
oh them I remembered they wanted to use the Bathroom now.

"no problem you can go in now"
"Okay thanks, but..... Miss Viridis.... Is their a special reason why you've avoided Lady Wallenstein recently?"
Crap! I was supposed to have a Crush on Aiz for a while now, given that was a well known secret within the Loki Familia.... I've had to make up a good excuse for that,

"Well..... I.... I..... I believed I have caused her some troubles for her by being too clingy"
The looked at me with with open Mouths.... They really looked kind of like idiots....
Okay... that didn't seem to have worked..... time for a brave retreat.....

Bell p.o.v

I was running to the Dungeon suddenly I felt a cold chill
'oh! please no! I don't know how to deal with her yet!!!!
"excuse me it seems like you dropped that"" said Syr or to be more correct, Freya.
She is perhaps the only Person in this World who was able to make me feel more conflicted than even Aiz.
She was my WORST Enemy...... and also my best and most precious Friend....
I never loved her the way I loved Aiz or Lefiya....... and I KNOW I broke her Heart...
She made me and my Friends go through Hell....... But she DIED protecting me..... She GAVE HER LIVE to save me and Wiene!!!!
I wasn't able to hate her after all she did for me. Not only as Adventurer but as a Friend...... but that doesn't mean I can forgive everything yet..... Hell!! She even turned Aiz against me!!!

"oh! A Magic stone, I thought i already sold them all...." I said with a nostalgic feeling in my Heart
And before I could decide if I should be Angry at Syr/Freya or happy that she was Alive she put her lunch in my Hands and made me Promise to visit the Hostess of Fertility.
I already planned to go there and meet with Lefiya so there was no problem with that plus it would give me more time to decide what my take on Syr/Freya was....


{STR} I 13 > H 150

{VIT} I 12 > G 214

{DEX} I 18 > 182

{AGI} I 30 > G 202

{MAG} I 0 > H 160

Gloria Obumbratio
Frozen Arrow
Lightning Storm

Liaris Freese
OX Slayer
Aero Mana
All mac Midna

Development Ability's
Mystery I
Escape I
Luck I
Abnormal resistance I
Mage I
Magic Resistance l
Swordsman I
Spirit Healing I
Elemental Resistance I

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