Suicide Training

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Lefiya's p.o.v

I watched Bell in astonishment,
I know his OX Slayer Skill gave him a huge advantage when fighting Minotaur's
And I know that we both need to level-up faster and grow stronger than we did the last time
But that doesn't change the fact that this plan is crazy!!!!
I mean going to the Middle Floors as Level 1's and using Minotaur's for Training!?
even if I always vaporize all the Enemies but one so that he can fight one on one, and he could use his Magic for dangerous situations, THAT WOULD STILL BE SUICIDE FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agile like he always is, Bell avoided all the punches and horn attack's of the Minotaur and damages him as much as he can with his throw away kitchen Knife, though his Ice Arrow Attack's were much more successful.

Suddenly Bell slipped and the Minotaur used that opening to grab Bell's Neck and throw him in to a Wall.
Bell spit Blood and held his right hip like it was broken.
Bell was now longer in a Stance that let him be able to fight, I needed to cast quick now in order to save him
I was at the middle of casting as the Minotaur got Bell in his reach, he clenched his Fist ready to strike my stupid little rabbit,

"Lightning Storm!!!!"

Bright blue lightning shot from Bell's Fingertip's towards the Minotaur and hit its Chest,
The Lightning didn't Kill the Minotaur but it paralyzed him long enough for me to end my Casting
And the Spell ripped the Monster into pieces.

"This was stupidly dangerous" I told my somewhat crazy Human boyfriend.
"well yes... but it worked... Somehow... Auh!" I poked at his still broken hip
"that hurts Lefiya!!" Bell complained.
"Good! Because that entire plan of Yours hurts my Head, i mean Fighting only Minotaur's until your First Level-up?
That's almost Suicide! even with your skills!"
"oh come on, nothing will happen I mean I have the Best Mage of Orario here to have my Back, and as long as I can fight the Minotaur's one on one I'll be able to hold my own,
after all, it will just become easier and easier with every Status up-date!" Bell said with that silly smile in his Face that could almost melt any Woman in the World.

I'm happy he trusts me so much...
"And WHAT would you do if we got ambushed by a Hellhound or another Monster with long or Middle range Attacks?!!
or do you think that they will just stop spawning until your ready!!?".



{STR} I 86 > H 104

{VIT} H 184 > H 192

{DEX} G 210 > G 232

{AGI} G 270 > F 304

{MAG} S 960 > SS 1032

Arcs Ray
Fusillade Fallarica
Elf Ring

Fairy Canon
Double Canon
Fairy Serenade
Mind load
Fairy Anthem

Development Ability:
Mage H > G
Abnormal Resistance I
Magic Resistance I
Spirit Healing I
Diving I

Fairys Heart C - B

"what da' Fua...." Loki was obviously surprised
"well I'm glad I made it so far hehe..." I said with my best fake smile.

"is that what ya' call the power of love?" Loki asked more confused than joking.
"I don't believe so" Riveria said
"Lady Riveria I... maybe I just got lucky...." I tried to distracted Riveria
"Lefiya you do know what the Highest score is a Ability can have?" Riveria asked me
"Ye-Yes Lady Riveria! I do know!" i answered.
"Oh! You do know? And which score would that be?" she asked further
"the S score!" I answered correctly
"Yes, but surprisingly... one of your ability score's is SS, a score that shouldn't even exist...
it may be your preferred Status but if that was the only reason it would certainly go as well with others too, not to mention that you got Development ability's WITHOUT Leveling!"
Right... I didn't know how I should explain all of that to

I couldn't say 'I have No Idea' because Loki was here and lying to a God just wasn't possible.
"trust me!" I said quick
"what?" Riveria asked
"please just trust me! There... There is a good reason for that... But I can't tell you yet..." I said and hoped it would be enough... Loki was a very understanding Goddess after all...
"Lefiya I'm not sure..." Riveria began
"Okaaay! Keep ya' puny little secret Lefi'li!" Loki interrupted with a honey sweet singing voice
"Goddess Loki! This matter is..." Riveria started
"oh-! Come on Mommy! It isn't fun if she just told us everything! We have to find it! So watch ya' back Lefi'li cause we will be behind it when you expect it the least!" Loki said
Riveria put her Face in the palm of her Hand "it seems I can't stop you..." Riveria said in surrender
"well that's how ya know me" Loki told her.

I took a deep breath, I was delighted that I came out off this,
but it was Clear that Their Gaze's were upon me now.
I just hope Bell is safe.


Bell's p.o.v
(_) After i got my broken rip healed and my Magic stones to Valis, i first got to the market with in the tower of Babel to buy the Armor Welf made, and to buy a simple short sword, I.. Still prefer knifes a bit but sometimes they are just a bit to short to safe a Live......

"I'm back to Kami-sama!" i told Hestia
"Bell!" Hestia embraced me

I felt guilty, I now know that Hestia was in love with me the whole time.
I used to dismiss her passion as simply the Care ship of a Goddess for a member of her Family,
I simply 'Motherzoned' Hestia, and I heard Friend zooning was Bad for a Woman's pride, but what I did most have been Hell for Kami-Sama,
How could I even be angry with Syr for being upset (okay murder upset) when I brought even the Naïve puppy eyed always Happy always go lucky Hestia to Cry?


{STR} H 150 > E 420

{VIT} G 214 > B 700

{DEX} F 182 > D 530

{AGI} G 202 > B 700

{MAG} H 160 > D 570


Fire Bolt
Frozen Arrow
Lightning Storm


Liaris Freeze
Ox Slayer
Aero Mana
All mac Midna

Development Ability's

Mystery I
Escape I > H
Luck I
Abnormal Resistance I
Mage I
Magic Resistance I
Swordsman I
Spirit Healing I
Elemental Resistance I

"Bell.... " Goddess-Sama looked down with a veeery sinister tone in her Voice
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO DOWN THERE!!!!!!???" She yelled at me like I never heard before, not even in the future...
"There is just no way that you improved so much in such a short time, even with your skills, at least not without PUTTING YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE!!!!" Hestia yelled angrily
"you will tell me EXACTLY what you did!" she insisted


Lefiya's p.o.v

"your Boyfriend seems to be a very capable Fighter for a Level 1" Aiz told me in admiration.

Well, I knew that Aiz would ask me to help her in the Dungeon where she secretly goes to at night in order to save some Money
I asked her if I could bring Bell along, I had Various reasons, for once with everything that happened I would feel wrong if I was alone with Aiz here,
it also would help Bell get re-used to being a Level 1 and experience where his Limitation's in the Dungeon are right now, and last but not least it would help him to get his focus away from his Syr/Freya

"I'm not used to this Sword, it feels like it could immediately break if I strike too hard" Aiz said
"of course its nothing compared to your unbreakable Sword 'Desperate' but if you break it, that would just cost you more money in the long run" I told
"well, breaking your Weapons is always a bad Idea "Bell said

After we departed from Bell and got back to twilight Manor it happened
"were the Hell did you two go!?" yelled Riveria.
Then she started to scold Aiz until Loki appeared to misuse her Goddess Status to turn Aiz's punishment in a Date.
Well, I know thanks to Bell's 'Big Sister' this Date would not hold for long.....

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