Growing up

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Bells pov

"What do you....?" i started
"don't play dumb Monster!" she said cold "i asked you this one only once more, where did your Father bring my Mother?" Aiz asked me
I gulped "how do you know?" she had called me Monster and asked me where my Father took her Mother, so that meant she know who i really was
"Lefiya" she said.
Now that was a surprise, i know that Lefiya was not so stupid that she would just tell that to the Girl that hated my Father more than anyone else
"why..." i started
"Loki" Aiz simply and coldly said
Of course Loki was behind that, that Trickster Goddess! How did she forced that secret out of Lefiya?
"I swear i tell everyone about that Hestia Dakimakura you hide in your room!" I silently threaded Loki. I was thinking about how i could get away now with out getting sliced in pieces, to be honest my Chances were not really promising, i was a newly realized Level 2 even if my power were more comparable to a mid Level 3, but that was still not nearly enough to fight a Level 5 Aiz Walenstein. "Run Bell!!!!" Freya told me and suddenly puts her waitress apron over Aiz Head to distract her. "Thank you!" I muttered and run away, to be honest i didn't like running away, after all i had Run away so often from Aiz in my past life and it had been utterly unfair towards her, but i knew that to face her now would not be an Adventure but only suicide. I run as far as i could, i chose to go to Dedalus street, that part of the City was so confusing that even a God could get lost in it. I was able to run an hide away nearly half an Hour,but of course you can't hid from Aiz Walenstein forever. "you can't escape me Monster!" Aiz yelled at me as she appeared from a small sideway, she rushed at me with her drawn Sword, I tried to block it with the Hestia Knife and my Minotaur horn dagger,but it was useless.Aiz broke my defense and kicked me down like it was nothing. As i was laying on the Ground crawling back wards trying to get on my feet again my throat was again faced with the tip of Aiz Sword again. "Where is my Mother?" Aiz asked me again, her Eyes were filled with a raging Inferno of black Flames "Answers me!" "I-i don't know!" i tried to explain to her, but at fell at death Ears "don't lie to me!" she yelled at me as if she wanted to throw all the pain suffering and Agony the One eyed black Dragon had caused Humanity in the last one thousand Yeahrs at me"you're his Son! Of course you know, you *must* know! Do you ever think about how it was to lose her!?," her Eyes were now filled with way more sadness and Agony than with hate,only to than glow up with Rage"you toke away my Childhood! My Happiness! And even my Mother! How could you!? How could you! How could you! How could you!?" she screamed at me, and i could fell that this Words were ment for the One eyed black dragon and not for myself. "ple-please! Is she.....?" she started to asked with tears in her Eyes now sounding more like a frightened little Girl than the mighty Warrior All of Orario know her. "I m sorry Aiz, i truly don't know. If i knew i would tell you,But ...... I don't" i said sadly looking in her in the Eyes. But when she saw my Eyes, the same Red Eyes of the One eyed black dragon who caused her so much pain, the same Red Eyes of all the Monsters she faced in the Dungeon her Heart filled with Rage again "Liar!!!!!" she screamed and readyed her Sword for the Deadly blow.

The Sound of sneaking Cats
The Tongues of the Birds
The Beards of Woman

The holy Spirits will forge them all
To hold the Greedy Beast
and prevent its hunger from reaching Heaven

For the sake of all Worlds
come forth unbroken chains


Golden chains appeart from an Magical Circle and restraint Aiz
"Lefiya!?" I exclaimed in surprise
"Well my stupid Human boy, i put you in this mess so it is only far that im also the one getting you out of it" the Elf said with a smile.
And while i and Lefiya had a Moment for ourselves Aiz continued to struggle against the Chains, to our utter horror some of the Chains indeed started to break while Aiz grow more Furious with any moment then Chains prevented her from turning on me.
Lefiya sprintet at my site and told me, "that could maybe or most difficult fight ever, in sooo *many ways*" she told me
"i knew when you explained to me what's happened that changing the flow of time could be Dangerous, but *this?* i really never tought dying at Aiz Hand could even be a possibility, Lefiya it was my fault not preparing for this,
You're a part of her Familia,you shouldn't fight her like this...." i started trying to convince Lefiya that she should just leave and let me Face Aiz "how stupid are you human boy!? We stick in this togher so shut your Mouth and just keep her busy so that i get time for my incantation" she told me steadfast. While we were at it more and more of the Chains broke, our demise at the Hand of our both first love became an inescapable reality,until a dark shadow appeared behind Aiz "Tsk! I can't believe our lady gave me a task like saving this bloody useless amateurs!" Said the Catman, it was Allan from Freya familia. "oh! right! I had forgotten i was with Syr until this all started" i thought loudly "you what!? why the Hell were you with Fre...." Lefiya started, i kissed her to prevent her from speaking further and stop her from revealing Syr's true identity, honestly i don't know why she always reacts so jealous when it comes to Freya, she had no problem with me Dating other woman when Hermes started that "Xenos Valentine" thing, barely one year after the Xenos incident, Hermes said he wanted to make amends for what he did back than,i think the truth he just wanted to winn my trust back. So Hermes came up with the Xenos Valentine, an Event where on Valentines day Xenos and People from Orario would Date, Hermes took advantage of the fact that many of the less Attractive Male Adventures don't had a Girlfriend or even Chances by Girls so the Beautiful Xenos like Fear,Laura,Ray and of course my beloved Wiene were incredibly Popular in this (especially Ray with her singing Voice), of course the Adventures didn't know that they were Dating Monsters, they were told that the Girls simply dressed up as Monsters for the Event and that it was just another silly move of a God who was bored, he finally revealed the truth at the forth Xenos Valentine, surprisingly most of the Adventures were more angry with me who know what the Xenos were and wend along with it than with the God who Organized all of this. The fact that Haruhime actually threatened Hermes to never alow any Man except from me to pull Wienes Number from the Head because she didn't trust any other Male being with our precious Wiene (well i think she would have tought different if she knew I and Lefiya would take Wiene in our Marriage) became an Attack feld after people discoverd that she was the Exact same Vouivre i protected 4 Years ago. The accusation of me having a Monster Fetish who were mostly gone after the Incident, but now they were back even *worse* than before. Because Bell Cranel did not just simply have Monster fetish like all the creeps bevore him, oh No! He was the first Human to ever have a *serious* relationship with a Monster, And the youngest Level 9 ever became "The Boy who betrayd Humanity for a Hot Dragon Girl' but Lefiya never had any problems with that (when it came to sexual pleasure alone i think Lefiya even enjoys Wiene's company even more than mine, well her and mine first love was a Girl so no wonder) but she never had the problem she had with Syr/Freya with any of the other Girls, hell i tryed to be as faithful possible. But Lefiya herself did everything she could do to persuade me to put a baby in both Tiona and Ryu, even thought that at that point... well... "Bell kun" Hestia jumped at me "Bell Sama" Lilli as she jumped at me "Syr said that Wallenstein was trying to kill you! Bell what....?" Lefiya gave me a angry Glare "you will explain this to me Human Boy" Lefiya said before we parted ways.

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