Sins of the Father

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Lefiyas p.o.v

hä?" i couldn't believe what Finn just said.
HOW could anyone EVER belive that Bell was a Member of EVILIUS, just HOW?! "That's most stupid i have ever heard! Bell a member of Evilus? I would laugh about this if i didn't know you wouldn't make Joke like that! What happened to your brain Captain? You are suposed to be the most Clever Adventurer in all of Orario, but given that Idea you sound like the most silly one!" i said upset. "don't you dare insult the Captain," Tione yelled "if he is stupid than he is stupid" i gave back to her. "well it is only natural that you think so, i will explain it to you." Finn said Patient "good but it should better be a good explanation!" i toold him "thank's for your trust Lefiya" Finn said with a smile "to make it short we investigated Bell Cranel's Roots and upbringing and it turned out he was indeed the Son of Alfia and Zald, i know you properly never heard those Names but the were the Leaders of Evilus... "thats IMPOSSIBLE Bell's Fahter is the One.....!?" i stopped myself just before i trooped the Bomb right in front of Aiz. "so informations about his Parents are wrong? Well if that's true and you know it please tell us Lefiya, if Evilus is our Opponent than we can't allow us any Mistake at all!" Finn said stricked I looked away,i really didn't want to tell them abou Bell's Fahter. Especially since he wasn't here himself. "Lefiya if you don't tell us we will just remain in this room,maybe even for Months untill you speak Finn said I gulped "Okay but... Aiz has to leave the room before i tell you!" "hm? Why?" the swordPrincess asked Air headed "Riveria and Loki looked at me with suspicion in their Eyes "Okay, Aiz please leave this room for a bit" Riveria said "okay" said Aiz expressionless. "Tione,Tiona, please keep her Company for a bit,"she told the Twins "yes Mam'!" Tiona said "please wait for me Captain!" Tione said After the three left the room and i was sure they were far enough away so they couldn't hear me i took all my bravery, Lying wouldn't work when Loki was here, you can't lie to a God... "Bell's Fahter is.... The One Eyed Black Dragon!" The Moment i said that i felt Aiz's Mourdorus Aura, but that could only be imaging because she wasn't here, maybe my Memory of that was just so strong because that was the most terefying thing i have ever witnessesed. Death silence, no one said a Word untill ...... "Bewahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!" Garath started to laugh "that hahaha.. was a silly joke Elfgirl!" he said "she isn't lying" Loki said Garath stopped laughing "That.... that can't be true! A Monster can't..... "there were some special circumstances, can we please leave it with that!?" Everyone looked shocked "well, at least i'd understand why you didn't want Aiz to hear that, if she finds that out the Boy is as good as Deaht... *klirr* *klirr**klirr* *klirr* The Door to the Room got basically jumped oppen and Tiona was visible "sorry we kind of... Played Mouse..." Loki turned pale" No!!!!!!!!!!! The Boy is itty-bittys Child! If somthing........" "we need to stopp Aiz immediately!" Ordered Finn.
Bell's P.o.v.
"what do you mean Bell?" Welf asked me
I finally found time to spend a visit to Welf's old shop, the smell and the Warmth were the same when i first vist it, well actually no surprise thinking being back in time,
I really got troubled when Welf realized how well i know this place, the only division i coul think off was talking about his problem with the Crozzo Family and Magic
"please allow you to be oppen to you Welf, even if the truth is hard and i sound like a pampered brat, you still need to Face this Truth,and the truth is.... What you do now is not FIGHTING your blood.... But instead, just running away from Challenge, wich is shameful not to the Family you are born in.... But to your true Family... " I told him getting way offer my boundarys
"my... true family...?" Welf asked
"yes.. your Friends.... your Famila and Goddess Hepahistos..." i said to him
"I was Shameful to Goddess......?"
"if you really want to proof that your not just a Crozzo, don't just refuse to do things they COULD to, but instead try to do somthing that they COULD NOT! *even* with all their oh! so awesome sprit blood! Like... An unbreakable Magic Sword! If you can do that you will have proofen that you TRULY more than just a Crozzo" i told him,.
"that's impossible!" Welf answered
"why? Because no one did it before? The same gos for level-up in only two weeks and i still did it" i saw in his eyes, he understood that i wasn't boasing, i didn't say it praise myself, but because i believed he could do the same,and... He knew that
He smiled at me"your right Bell-bro! A lack of Ambitions is not a virtue but only a sign of Laziness, the one i need to make prood are not my parents but Goddess Hepahistos! Thank you Bell i thing i see a lot clearar right now!"
"no problem that's what Friends are for" i answered
"friend? Huh? Yor right you can count on me Bell bro!"
"Bell-bro?" well at least its better than Belluchi.
I headed towards the Hostess of fertility to meet Syr/Freya, i head decided to tell her about my and Lefiyas timtravel, the reason why i wanted to tell her was that she with her Ability to see Souls was one of the view people who would believe me without thinkin i became Crazy, and i wanted to ask her for help with Haruhime, if i could shorten the time the Renard Girl had to spend in that awful Place than that was worth ANY kind of sacrifice.
"oh Bell your here so early? Please come in..." the Goddess in disguise started
"No, could please come with me this time please? It is important" i told here
Syr/Freya gave me the brightessed smile i have ever seen, she undoubtedly believed that her *PLAN* had succeeded sooner than she expected "Okay" she said
After we walked for half an Hour i find a Hallway that was so far from any Attention of the City where i believed we could talk in private,
"oh? That's a spooky place i hope Bell will not do anything naughty to me" if i didn't already know that was exactly was she wanted me to do, her Voice would be a Deaht give away. "let us talk about that seriously Lady Freya". Syr looked at me in dissatisfaction "so you find out, is that the reason why you wanted to talk to me in private?" she asked me "well, to be true that's only a part of i and Lefiya Veridis from the Loki Famila and an Intelligent Monster which means the World to me with Name Wiene travelled back in time..." "Intelligent....... Monster...? Freya asked surprised as if she had not heart right I didn't stop to explain the Xenos, i could to that together with the entire explanation of my timeline "....because we went back in time... I now a view things because they allready happened to me!.... Lady Freya i know your in love with me...." i said blushing, Syr/Freya was a Big Sister to me, much like Eina,but that the very Goddess of Beauty was in to me was still a bit much.... I told Freya everything that happened, i know she wouldn't judge me for it, that was the one thing were the Goddess infront was absolute unique, i could tell her Everything i had been trough and what happened to me with no reprecations, she was the only one i could have that with, for even Hestia would scold me for certain things Especially if a Girl had somthing to do with. After i told her Everything as good as i could in a view Houers the Sun already started to go down, and the Conversation started around 6:00 in the Morning. Freya forced me in to a lappillow, i was remainded on the day i first left Heart Mannor after saving Wiene, when everyone even the Children were disgusted by me and only Syr had been there for me toremind him that there were stil people who would never give up on me "so i must say i feel a bit hurt Bell-kun" Freya sayed with played hurt in hurt in her Voice "you are in a Bisexual threesome relationship with an Elf that was your love rival for an enire Decade and an Intelligent Dragon which you basically raised! But you won't see me as anything but a Sister? That hurt my pride as a Woman!" Freya said. "in my defense i never intended to Date Wiene in the first place, i started it because Darien threaten to Force her to marry him, if i don't" i remainded her. "yes your Brother sounds very, how do i put that nicely..... Like a psychopath? I mean he literally wanted to FORCE a MONSTER to marry him......" Freya said "yes.... your right Lady Freya....... Im honestly more afraid of Darien than of Evilus, even Asterius runs away when he shows up, and my Rival is by no way a Coward,.... Darien was also the only one i could never Catch up to, when i turned to Level 10 he was already Level 13, the worst part about him is that he is even proud to be the Son of the first Evil Xenos i ever meet! The way he deald, the Girl that was robbed of her that lost all her happiness by that very Monster had clearly shown how cruel he was even if he wasn't as Bad as Dix, that Mann would for ever remain the greateast Monster i had ever encounterd and i was positive it would remain as that. "i Found you!!!!!" Aiz yelled as she fell out of the Air and landed before me and Lady Freya "oh! Hallo lady Wallenstein!" i said surprised to see her, but the most famous Member of the Loki Famila holded tip of her sword against my throat and said. "where is she?" her eyes were even colder as when i protected Wiene,her Voice dripped of hatred "do.. You mean Lefiya? I thought she was with you? i" asked her a bit worried, i know Lefiya was taught... But i really hoped nothing bad happened to her. Aiz tighten her grip on her Sword holded it more stricked on my throat, blood started to drop. "where is my Mother?" she said cold

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