A Brewing Grudge

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Bell p.o.v.

"Are you sure you really don't want to take this with you Bell?"

Welf asked

I had given him Ottar's Sword that i got from the Minotaur
This time because of my superior experience in fighting i didn't had to break it,
and im sure it will be usefull in future Battels.

"if i take it with me like it is now it would only break,
Please repair and strengh it as good as you can,it won't be a problem even if it takes a view weeks" i tell him

"i understand,you can count on me!"the Smith answers

I couldn't help but smile at my old friend

When i returned to the Church a very angry looking Hestia waited for me
"Hello Lady Hestia,is something wrong?" i asked her, knowing that i was in big trouble

"ohhh! Nothing is wrong Bell-kun! Really!"The way she said it made me doubt that
"well,the current denatus is over and you got a very cool name!"Hestia said smiling with her mouth but not her eyes

Cool?" i asked

"Yes, your title is Argonaut" Hestia said with a Big smile in her Face and furry in her eyes

Im surprised about that my first title was supposed to be "little Rookie"
Than again a lot has changed now.

"that's good?"i asked the Goddess nervously

"why didn't you tell me abou loki's Elf Girl !!!!!!!!!???"Hestia asked me furrysly,
Oh! so this is what this is about! I think
"and that's not all! Loki took me aside afterward and told me somthing interesting abou YOU and a "certain" Dragon" the Goddess tells me, I gulp
"Lover or not you shouldn't have told that stupid Elf about it, do you know what will happen to you when the World finds out that "The Last Great Quest" has a Son?"Hestia ask me now being unbelievable seriously
Now Hestia started to explain me how serious the danger was i would be in for me if anyone knew that i was the Child of The One Eyed black Dragon,


Lefiya p.o.v

"Good Morning Lady Riveria" i told my teacher as i meet her for early training
"Oh! Miss Viridis your up soon today"Riveria told me
"yes Lady Riveria i couldn't sleep tonight so..."i started
"is that because Aiz lockdown end's to day?
If so there is no reason to fear for the boy,Aiz already promised to stay away from him even if she should come across him in the Dungeon
And she WILL keep that promise!"

Yes that was right, Today Aiz is finally allowed to leave her room again,
And i am happy about it......
But im also a bit worried,she did try to kill Bell after learning of his heritage,
I can't really blame her but.......

After a while Aiz herself walked personly past me
She clearly tried to control and hide her emotion's to not give Riveria any reason to further hold her of the dungeon
But i could clearly hear how she hissed the word "traitor" in my direction.

Im pretty sure a human wouldn't have been able to hear her speaking
But thanks to my Elven senses it didn't slipped past me,it seemed that i and Bell would need to be cautious with Aiz in the Future.


Aiz p.o.v

"Riveria please let me fight it alone" i said
"are you insane! That's a floor boss! You can't -" she started
"please!" i ask crunching on my tooth's

I needed to be stronger to defeat that Dragon
And he even had a son now!
A son who grew in a unbelievable pace
And Lefiy....!
The Sword Princess was still pretty angry at the elf Girl
How could she love the Child of this Monster?
How could she love the offspring of the beast that took away Aiz Mother and Father?

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Aiz shouted as she runn at the Giant Skeleton.

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