☆{A tragic death}☆

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I...Karai Yamaha,the most brilliant and hottest man ever, has died in the most silly and outrageous way possible...


I live alone with my sister, Lei, a devil incarnated, I moved out of my parents' house a couple of years ago, and she came with me. I don't know why.

She also is obsessed with games and spends all her money on them. Currently, she's playing that stupid yandere otome game, yandere something bullshit, while I was comforting my friend jasper about his break up with his girlfriend on the phone.

Suddenly, i felt a craving for some milk and cookies, so i went to the fridge, but guess what? All the milk was gone, and one cookie was left.

I bought the milk yesterday and those cookies today when I got off work...

"Wait I'll talk to you later jas, FOR FUCKS SAKE LEI, I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY FUCKING COOKIES AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOD DAMN MILK!?" I shouted as I stomped my way to her room

"HUH?!" she shouted back

"Don't play games with me young woman you eat all t-what the hell..." I accidentally walked right in to hell willingly

My sister lei was on her floor muching away while her room was filled with what seemed like a thousand snacks packs... I've created a monster.

"CLEAN YOUR DAMN ROOM OR I'M TAKING AWAY THAT DAMN PHONE!!" I shouted as my hands rested on my hips

"I can't. i'm at the part where the characters kiss, hehe, the room can wait," she said, her eyes glued to the phone completely


"It's interesting and whatever," she replied, not caring

Getting out of that room as fast as I could, I took a deep breath in their reeks of otaku....

"I'm going take a trip to the convenient store. Make sure your room is looking like the queen is coming to visit when I come back!"

"Yes, your majesty," she answered back

I rushed out of the house, not before putting on my jacket. I knew the night was going to be cold, and then I went out.

And immediately, i tripped on the icy porch floor, landing on my ass,'god damn it!', i got up careful and walked down the stairs I stepped in something soft I looked down and I step in shit 'ok what the fuck was happening tonight?'.

After I angrily cleaned off my shoe with water and went to the convenient store, fortunately, I got there and back in one piece, thankful...

I bought a lot of stuff so it was heavy and I'm not that strong so I was struggling to carry up the two big bags...then i heard something drop, 'oh whatever I'll get it later' I thought

I made a step, but I stepped on something that was not the steps, and I felt myself beginning to fall, and from an angle, I saw that i tripped on......milk!!?

With a bang and a boom, I was dead. I died because of milk...MILK!! FUCKING COW TIT JUICE, FUCKING COWS JUICE KILLED ME?!, 'hey karai how'd you dead?' oh I um SLIPPED ON COW JUICE YEA FUCKING MILK, son of a bitch...

What about lei, oh whatever she'll be fine she has aunt may, who's loaded, she be just fine without me right?

Well, I'm sorry, Lei, but big bros got to go, I didn't even tell you I love you and to keep safe from boys and your weird friend... seriously, that girl needs to stay far away from you.

I felt my vision fading until it was completely black, I wanted to cry there's so much I haven't done, like drinking some milk and eating some fucking cookies but now that I'm despise milk I'm to late, shit I hate this life gimme one last chance please! I lived a shit life it was so fucked up.....god please make me hot in my other life.....and rich....filthy rich
"Alright then one more chance" a voice said

The feeling of run suddenly took over my already limp body. What was I running after or from?, I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar hallway it looked so rich, the gold and white rug and the pale brown walls decorated with big portraits of rich people, the wall I was about to run into looked like r-wait wall?


Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! that fucking hurts it hurts so bad all I could do was cry why I'm crying so loud tho am i a siren?, But here I am back on the floor crying because I damage myself again and this time it looks like I didn't die wait I'm supposed to be dead!!

where I'm I?!,who am i!?, these small hands aren't mine!?, I'm confused!!?

"Master mekei!, oh no master please stop crying, if you didn't run away this wouldn't have happened" a woman said as she put me to stand up while my siren of a mouth just continue to bawl.

Who is this woman?

And who is master mekei?

"Master, please stop crying. I'll do anything. Just stop, please." The woman came down to my level


I stopped crying and looked at the woman in curiosity.

"Anything?" I asked, and i surprised was by sound of a child voice saying what I said in a teary tone

"Anything," the maid said with a sweet smile


'Mmmmmm this is fucking delicious' I thought as I ate down a whole cake... What I'm hungry.

I sat on a huge king sized bed munching on cake in a big ass room, while the lady from before who was a maid, my maid her names Angelina really nice lady, was dressing me up.

Suddenly the door of the big ass room burst open and in came a man, a sexy man with black hair and dark bule eyes he looked like he was in his 30s for sure and his suit with that stern look on his face told me he was one really important , two really rich, and three he was probably my father and he was angry at me.

"Mekei la foresten, what have you done this time?" he asked in a serious yet caring tone

"Mmm umm nothing" I said with a cheeky smile,I was a bit scared this man's aura was too darn powerful

"Oh really? I heard you hurt yourself again. If your mother was here, she would smack you and me,"

"If she was here?" I asked, but it came out like a statement, a sad statenent. Was this boys mother dead?

This caught the man's attention, and his gaze softened as he unfolded his arm and came down to my level. He held my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

The maid understood what was happening and decided to give us a minute.

"She'll always be with us." he bear hugged me

"And she'll always watching over us, and she'll always be here with us, so cheer up," he says, but I'm not the one crying 'dad'

"Just remember it's not you alone who misses her. We all miss her, so *stiff*. Don't be afraid to cry about it."

"Y-yes f- father," I barely said as I was struggling to brethe

"Right now, it's time to go see someone," he said with a some what sorrrowful smile as he let me go

See someone? it's either a woman, his new wife or my new brother/sister, or a cat or dog. Please let it be the last one.

Ok before this continues, I think I know where I am, and I don't want be here I'm in that stupid yandere game my sister would die for.

My sweet yanderes, a stupid harem game where hot obsessed boys simp over a girl, how do I know from the people I've met so far? well, mekei is one of the main leads brother, and my sister had a huge crush on their dad. Simon la foresten, the sexy single dad.

big question is, what the fuck am I doing here!!???.....................out of all things to get reincarnated into this stupid game is what I get.....


"Ah!, you ungrateful bitch, just for that I'm going curse you!!" The mystery voice said once more

Reincarnated In an otome game as..ONE OF THE MAIN LEADS STEP BROTHER?!!(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now