Meeting the prince

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The day flew by fast tho I wish it could fly faster, I didn't see the twins again but I knew they would be back for the party, just 6 more years until the main story starts then they'll met the heroin, although I'm concerned about the attachment Kane have to me, it's probably just because I was the first person to show him a bit of love.

For now I need to watch from afar tonight is the night Kane will befriend the Prince so from now on the prince is going be here a lot, I wonder if I should befriend him to, in the original story the prince never liked mekei and he helped Kane to kill him off, so I think I have to.....



A voice shouted, making me snap out of my thoughts, I looked up to see Kane all dressed up..

"It's time already?" I asked, and Kane nodded, I looked down on myself to see I was already dressed. When did that happen?

My thoughts were interrupted again by someone walking through the door.

"For a growing man, you sure take long to dress like a woman mekei."

"And for a father, you nag me like a mother." I spat back at the black haired man that entered the room

Did I mention that Simon is still looking fine as hell, I didn't? ok, well, his features are doing him well at his age, I mean, the man is 48, 50 is right around the corner.

"Who dressed you? You actually look good," he asked

"I did. The maid was a bit occupied, so I helped her out," Kane said

"Awww, that's so nobel of you, Kane. I knew you were the best option to choose, I'm starting to think I should disown mekei and invest in you,"

"Ah! How mean of you and you call yourself a dad tch"

"Hehe, calm down, brat. I was half joking," he said as he fumbled with my hair

"Right now, boys, can we go? Our guests are waiting for me,"


Boring, dad introduce me and Kane to his bigshot friends and there kids it was all so boring!, Now I'm currently standing at the food table fulling my face, hmph at least the food is good....wait where's Kane, gosh this boy loves to sneak away from me.

I began to look around for him but I couldn't find him,so I went to the balcony and found an interesting figure instead....


"Simon, how are you doing?" A man in a big fur coat approached Simon

"Your majesty, I'm well," Simon bowed before he continued speaking

"That's good to hear... are you still after him?" The king whispered the last part

"Yes, how could I not be? You don't think he can kill my wife and get away with it, right?" Simon's whole mood changed completely

"How far are you with finding him?"

"He's been hunting down people with the same powers as my wife for these past three years,"

"No wonder so many have been going missing,"

"I know mekei we definitely get his mothers powers, and he'll come after him, I know, but that why I took it a step farther with security," Simon said as he spotted Kane

"That little boy?" The king questioned

"Yes, why do you think I adopted him? Not only is he smart, but since he has experience in the future, he'll be protecting mekei,"

"He's from June's orphanage, isn't he?" The king asked

"Yep, I took her best then closed her down," Simon took a sip of his drink before he quickly changed the topic


Back to Mekei

The prince, what was his name again shit I forgot, but it was something with a m, maybe I should ask him if he's seen Kane.

"Umm, excuse me." I slowly walk towards the boy staring at the sky

He turned to me, and I felt everything went in slow motion, his strawberry blonde hair with some, and his golden brown eyes looked like they were glowing in darkness of the balcony. In short, he looked magical.

"Um, have you seen my brother anywhere? He's about my height with blonde hair and grey eyes he also kinda looks like a girl," I explained

"No, I haven't seen him," he said, his voice sounding so calming

"Oh ok, um, what exactly are you doing outside when the party's inside?" I asked as last time I checked. You're supposed to be inside befriending Kane

"It's too boring in there," he said as he turned back around and sighed as he continued to watch the night sky

"Oh finally, someone who's aware, I thought everyone was blind to see it."I let out a sigh of relief

I walked closer to him...he didn't seem annoyed by my actions, interesting.

I looked up and I immediately understand why he was so mesmerized by the sky it was beautiful, so beautiful I could barely explain how the star's sparked how the moon light up the sky making it glow a blue tint while the clouds look like cotton candy in the sky.

"It's so....gorgeous, I didn't know that we have a view like this," I said under my breath but loud enough for the prince to hear

"Very gorgeous, so much so I envy the stars," he said, still looking at the sky

"Hm, why?"

"They're free,"

"But you're technically also free,"

"No, I'm not, I've been chained down,"

"How so?," I asked

"I've been chained down, but the people around me, they expected me to act like an adult rather than a child," he explained

"I don't, I don't expect anything of you, really," I slightly smiled

I turned to see him looking at me intensely, and he looked a bit shocked. Was it because of my smile, maybe, I don't know..

"Hey, what's your name?"

Huh? He's asking for my name. I should be asking for yours...

"Mekei, what's yours?" I didn't bother to add my title

"My name's Makoi. Nice to meet you, mekei~," he said with a smile

Did he just.... nevermind

"Well, I better go and look for my brother before he's completely lost,"

"So I'll see you around then?"

"I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of each other," I said before leaving

Reincarnated In an otome game as..ONE OF THE MAIN LEADS STEP BROTHER?!!(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now