Chapter Eight: Horror Memories

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I woke up on the same room all alone. The memory box that was really called layed on the ground open. I stretched my hand towards it and dragged myself to it. I snatched it and quickly closed it. For some reason I didn't want to go back and see more. Erick was dead, a mysterious creature came out of nowhere, and Lily's last scream was gone. I dragged myself to my feet and stuffed the small black box back into one of the desk's drawer. I caught a glimpse on a clock on the wall and saw it was all ready night.

"What the...?" I spend the whole day unconscious. I remembered when I discovered the box that it was morning and now it was past midnight. I forgot about Forgotten Soul and I quickly ran out of the room. I stopped abruptly in the living room to see Roadkill glaring at me.

"Where is she? Are you done with her all ready?! I assume you had your fun with her." He accused me with such anger in his voice.

 "What? I wasn't with her?"

"What?" Roadkill's eyes darkened but then his expression was confused and worried. "If you weren't with her and I haven't seen her then..."


We both quickly turned out faces toward her room upstairs. "Forgotten Soul!" We ran upstairs.



Forgotten Soul~

I layed in bed shivering and covering myself with my sheets. Agustin stood up and started to put his shirt back on.

"Well my love all fun things must come to its end but don't worry there is always a new day." He winked and smirked. My face trembled and I started to wipe the dry tears from my eyes. Agustin's eyes saddened and he sat next to me on the bed. "Oh my love please don't cry you know how your tears saddens my heart."

"If you even have one." I mumbled under my breath with tears swelling up on my eyes.

 Agustin caught my remark and grabbed my neck pulling it close to his chest. I tried struggling but I was weak. I felt his chest against my face.

"Do you hear that my love?" He asked. I pushed him away and started to back off getting closer to the head of the bed.

"You don't have one." I wiped the tears from my eyes. Agustin stood up and started finishing dressing up.

"I hate you." I hissed. Agustin finally finished putting on his clothes back and smirked at my comment.

 "And I love you." He leaned in and gave me one last hungry kiss before leaving. "Don't think this will be the last time." He winked. I grabbed a pillow and tossed it towards him but he was gone before I knew it.


"Forgotten Soul!" I heard someone yell my name from behind the door. I tried moving but I was still weak. Before I knew it the door flew wide open. "Forgotten Soul?!" Roadkill and Danger ran into the door. I quickly grabbed my sheets and covered myself.





I entered the room and found Forgotten Soul wrapped around in her blankets. Her bed was messy and her clothes layed on the floor. Her mouth trembled and she had dried tears plastered on her face.

 "Danger!" She was startled.

"What happened here?" Roadkill stood in his place. Her eyes grew wide and she covered her face with her sheets.

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