Chapter Thirty-Two: Darkness

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Forgotten Soul~

One thing I learned from the past event was never trust anyone. They appear to be someone when really they are something else.

I ran without stopping. Dawn arrived and I dragged my dress along with me. The last thing I wanted to do was stop. Tears ran down my face smearing it.
I finally gave up running and fell to the ground. The dirt road was wet from the rain making me fall in a muddy puddle instead.

The mud covered my once white dress and covering my feet which were muddy since I ran barefooted.

Life betrayed me. I was all alone in this cold world.

I closed my eyes and cried silently. I've never been much of a cryer but ever since my past happened, only tears and misery came out of me.

I opened my eyes to see a black rose in front of me.


I reached my hand towards it and pulled it towards me. I held the rose in my hands.

What is this doing out here?

"Death is just a moment. Don't fall but stand up." A voice came out of the rose.

"Am I going to die?" I asked. Tears came more out of my eyes.

The rose never answered back.

Rejected, abandoned, lost, and forgotten. All I used to have it's gone now. Only one black rose remained in my hands. Slowly it starts to die and fade into the air.

"No! I can't die now! Take me with you!" The rose disappeared as one of my tear drops landed in its petal. "Take me with you..." I whispered.

"You can't." I heard a deep voice behind me. I heard huge footsteps getting closer.

Correction... It was the sound of hooves.

I turned around to face a majestic black horse with a horn in its forehead.

Great now unicorns.... I must be in some kind of drugs to be seeing this.

"No this is real." The horse read my mind.

My mouth dropped low.

"My name is Darkness and I'm not just any creature I'm a guardian." The horse extended two huge black wings from its back.

Now pegasus?

Darkness got closer to me. I felt my heart jump in fear.

"Do not fear young one. I'm not evil for I'm good. I will not let you die yet. That rose that disappeared is a message from evil. Evil want to see you fall but you must not. There will be many more roses in the way but you must remain strong." Darkness lowered his head towards me. I couldn't resist but to pet him.

"Then how do I get away from evil?" My voice cracked.

"You can't. The only why is to fight it back."

I stood up and petted Darkness in between the ears.

"What is a guardian?" I asked curiously with a sniffle.

"I protect the creatures. That include animals, plants, and even one with supernatural powers." Darkness replied.

I took a deep breath.

I still can't believe I met vampires, werewolves, demons, angel, werewolf hunters, the occasional pixie, and now a unicorn pegasus.

"For now the only thing I can do to you is take you away from this path far away. They are after you. You can run away but when the time comes you must stand up to your fears and fight evil." Darkness flapped his wings. "Ride on my back and I'll take you away."

Ride on a unicorn pegasus???

Darkness got lower for me as I got on his back.

"I will run for you." He put his wings to the side and galloped away.

Never have I felt so free....

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