Chapter One: Innocent?

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Rejected, alone, abandoned, and forgotten. All I used to have its gone now. only one black rose remained in my hands. slowly it starts to die and fade into the air. " NO! I can't die now! take me with you!" the rose disappeared as one of my tear drops landed in its petal. " Take me with you....." I whispered.


"NOOO!" I yelled.

 " Silence!" Two officers grabbed my by the arms.

I tried struggling free but they were much stronger. " I'm innocent!" I cried " Innocent!"

Before I knew it I was thrown into a jail cell. 


"Criminals..." One of the officers rolled his eyes. I clutch on the bars tightly.

" Please let me go I'm innocent! I did not do anything!" I started to shake on the bars.

" Shut up prisoner number 081060!" The Officers locked my cell and walked off.

" NO! you cant do this to me! you can't!" I yelled in a scream.



" But I can..." A voice spoke from behind me.

 I turned around and could only see just the shadow and two red eyes.


" You..." I took a step back.

" Who else?" the shadow smirked revealing white perfect teeth.

 " You did this to me!" I clutched my hands into fists.

" I had no other choice. But this my love... its only the beginning..." The shadow took a step towards me.

" Stay back you beast..." I growled. the shadow stopped and smirked again.

" Beast? Me?" he started to take steps again. " Who was the one who committed murder?" The shadow whispered in a growl.

" I did no such thing!" my voice started to crack.

"No?" the shadow was right in front of me. "No." I replied.

The shadow extended a hand and clutched my throat. " I will make you suffer for the rest of your life..."



The shadow disappeared and a man appeared in front of me. " I will be waiting for you my love..." The man planted me a kiss and released his grasp of my neck.

" You bastard!" I tried to punch him but he had disappeared into the air. Before I knew it I was kneeling to the ground and staring at the cement floor. " Why me?" I cried to myself. " Why me? oh why me?"


" Number 081060!" An officer got to my cell the next day.


 I stood up from the bed and got close to the bars.

 " Follow me." He ordered

 " Do I even have a choice?" I sarcastically replied and rolled my eyes.


The officer handcuffed my wrists and lead me to a hallway. More cells appeared and he shoved me into a small jail cell.

" I recommend you to make friends." The officer smirked and winked. The officer walked off and left me in a new cell.


I looked out at a small window that was in my cell. Outside it was gray and raining. The only thing I could see were more bars and in front of me a huge brick wall blocking my view. I closed my eyes and sighed.

" How can you even dream while locked up in here?" A charming velvety voice spoke from behind me.

 I turned around only to see a handsome tall man with light gray eyes stand in the corner.

 " I might as well dream to die." I replied staring at his gray eyes.

He rose an eyebrow and started to cut on a piece of wood with a small pocket knife.

" We don't dream we plan." he ignored my gaze.


 I got away from the window and sat on the bottom of a bunk bed.


" so tell me what brings you to this part of the bad side?" I could see the man form a small smirk.

" I don't know?" I replied.

 "What? How can you not know? You had to have done something very bad to be brought on this inhumanly torturing prison camp."

"Is this what it is?" I asked.

"Yup. Welcome to prison camp. Bye the way this isn't just any prison camp." The man faced me."You're in a work prison camp."

" What?! I have to get out of here!" I tried banging on the bars but it was useless.

 "Relax... no one is getting out of here for quite a while." The man leaned on the wall.

"What do you mean? How long you been here?" Inside of me I started to panic.

"Look over there." The man pointed to a wall. It had twenty lines marked on the wall.

"TWENTY!?" I gasped.

"Yup" he sighed. " And still counting. You know what? As a matter of fact I might as well dream. Dream to die." The man sighed again and walked towards the window." I have no life anyways."

" I have to get out!" I panicked. The man stood still watching out the window.

"Then you came just in time." The man whispered.



 I stared out the bars that contained me and banged my head. The man stepped out from the window and layed a hand on my shoulder. His gray eyes mesmerizing into mine.

"If you say that your innocent then you will be. Compare to me I will always be guilty." The man mumbled the last part.


I nodded my head. More and more prisoners were sent into their cells and officers yelling and shoving. Indeed this was a inhumanly place and worst of all I was the only female in here.


"What's your name?" I finally asked.

The man smiled fakely and got back to his corner and started to chop off pieces of wood with his knife. His face showing what so ever no expression.

"Lights off!" One officer ordered.


The lights turned off and the man never told me his name.


Hi I do hope you enjoy so far and please do comment:) keep reading

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