
40 3 7

Forgotten Soul~


"We're losing her!"


"Bring me more help!"




I felt my body weak and numb. I tried opening my eyes but I was too tired. I felt sweaty and I could smell the metallic smell of blood.

"I think she's starting to hallucinate! Hand me a wet towel!"


I felt my heart heavy with pressure.

A felt a electric shock on my chest but I was too numb to feel anything. I heard a cry like a baby's but then it all went silent as my body went back to sleep.


I opened my eyes slightly.

Where am I?

I sat up startled and found myself in a completely white room. A had wires on my body and an oxygen mask.

My eyes were fuzzy at first but then I got my clear vision back. This place was awfully odd.

A nurse entered the room with a try of medications. Her eyes landed on me and she gasp, dropping the tray to the white floor.

"The one has awoken!" She yelled behind her. She rushed to my side as many men in white suits rushed to my room.

"Status." One spoked.

I remained quiet watching with round eyes at the men in front of me.

"Her breathing is normal. Temperature okay. She seems to see us just fine." The nurse informed and started to write down things In her clipboard.

''Check her heart." The man ordered the nurse.

The nurse placed a hand on my chest. She shook her head no and continued writing more stuff down.

"Then it's true." Another man in the white suit spoked.

"Indeed but we still need to check her reactions." The man who spoke earlier assured the other mens.

All the mens nodded and the one who spoked earlier first got to my side.

"Answer with your head." He ordered me. "If you understand."

I remained dumbfounded and nodded slightly.

I had no clue where I was or what was happening.

"Are you Delilah Eva Easton of Castellan?" He questioned.

I nodded yes.

"Good. Do you remember what happened?"

I shook my head no.

"Hmm... Roberta are you writing this down?" He faced the nurse.

"Yes Dr. Smith. So far this is all good and normal." The nurse informed.

"Good. Keep an eye on her. This is great news for the history of the world." The doctor smiled and walked off with the other men.

"There you go sweetie." The nurse took off my oxygen mask. "Can you breath fine?" She asked.

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