Chapter Forty-Four: Missing Life

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Forgotten Soul~

"Rex!" Without hesitation I ran towards Rex's body.

"Rex!" I gasped and knelt beside him. Blood stained over my white dress and tears rolled down my cheek.

His breathing was slow.

He's still alive!

"Beauty..." His voice cracked. He opened his eyes slowly and stared into mine.

"Rex..." I traced my hands on his cheek. His blue eyes were pale and lost.

"Hold on Rex you can do it." My voice cracked. I tore a piece from the bottom of my dress and placed it on his chest which was gushing out blood.

"No..." He winced. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his bare chest.

He was half burnt and his whole body was stained in blood.

"I...I'm sorry." Out of nowhere he handed me a red rose. "I'm sorry..." He repeated.

"No Rex everything is okay. It's going to be okay." I started to sob.

"I love you beauty." His breathing was getting slower.

"Rex..." I layed my head gently on his chest. His heart beat was getting quieter.

"Rex...don't leave me..."

All this time with him I never fell in love with him.
I never got to know him well and I never gave him a chance. Now as I see him slowly die in front of him I felt guilt run in my heart.

"Rex I'm alone now..." I cried. He stretched a hand to my face and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Danger... Save him...y'all two...are meant to be. He deserves you more. His voice was dry. He needed water.

"I...I tried." A tear fell from his eye.

A felt a hand lay on my shoulder. I turned around to see Voxxo staring down on Rex with sadness in his eyes.

"Rex. Rex Harten here in front of the woman who has been the captivation to our lives I...I...I'm sorry."

He knelt beside me and placed a hand on his chest beside my hand.

"I didn't mean to slowly kill your pack. I had no choice." Voxxo was full of guilt in his voice.

"Can you ever forgive me?"

My heart saddened as I waited for Rex's reply.

"Just take care of Sarah for me... I forgive you. At least I got to meet I love." Rex's chest rose slowly up and down.

"Ahem?!" Luna was in front of the door glaring at us.

"I believe it's my time." She opened the door and there in a pile of ash....the crystal black rose.

"Beauty don't let her get it!" Rex winced as his voice was slowly losing.

"But..." I tried protesting. I couldn't leave Rex to die.

"Delilah only you. It's time." Voxxo grabbed my hand.

"If I were you listen to Voxxo." She smirked.

"Beauty...go..." Rex tried sitting up but fell back down. Blood trickled down more from his chest.


I stood up and faced Luna.

"Luna!" I growled. "Give me the rose." I took a step forward.

"Of course...but if I were you make your decision wisely." Luna's tongue fell to the side revealing half of her face missing.

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