Chapter Sixteen: Two Minds Plotting Revenge Is Better Than One

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Max entered the room. He walked towards his chair and sat down on his black leather chair across from me and the desk. "Tell me Vladimir... How did you find those mens? You do realize they were werewolves?" Max asked. "I.." What do I say I can't just tell him I found out because I'm a werewolf myself.

"Umm... Spray found them." I turned back to see my blood hound sitting in the entrance panting. "You're telling me that dog found them? My... What a good dog." "Indeed." I faced Max. "Tell me something Vladimir.... What do you think about your nine zeros which I promised go double?" Oh my gosh did he say double???

"That's a very good offer. What's the catch?" I kept my excitement in. "There's none. All I need for you to do is tell me all you know as I will to you. Mabie you can help me out with my... revenge." "Revenge?" I felt the hair in my arms grow goosebumps. If only he knew my plan from the beginning is revenge. Revenge to destroy the pack of wolves that destroyed my pack and took everything...

"I accept." I agreed to the deal. "Another thing you can start telling me how you managed to kill those wolves. I heard they don't die easy unless you find their weakness." Max rose an eyebrow in curiosity. Crap. Think...think...what do I say without causing suspicions towards myself?

"I'm a hunter." I shrugged. "A hunter?" Max blinked twice. Shoot. Now what do I say? "Okay you caught me." I rose my hands in the air in surrender. "I'm a mythtic hunter. My dog and I hunt mythical legendary creatures such as goblins, mummies, zombies, demons, vampires, and many more. But my first object is to extinct all the werewolves. There are lots of them disguised in this city and my job just like catching escaped criminals is to hunt down all evil." I hoped Max believed me. Though it was somehow true. I was hunting werewolves but not all just one specific pack. The rest was all lie. And the dog? He just covers my identity as human. I'm the one who does the real job here.

"I killed those men with silver bullets I carry. Its one of the weaknesses of all werewolves. And thats not all... Now that were taking about this... I found her at the club." "Who's her?" Max got out two glass cup and started to pour in white wine. "081060. Your missing female prisoner. She was dancing at the club. I spotted her through the window and I detected a fake aurora on some of the men in the club. When I called in backup she was taken by a man and disappeared in the fleeing crowd. I was going to catch her but I decided to kill some of the werewolves when I got the chance." I bowed my head at the thought of almost having her and all my big bucks as reward. "Don't worry there's time." Max assured me handing me a glass of wine. "Now that I somewhat know about you now it's my turn. Mabie with the information I'm about to give you can be help for you to help with my revenge. That way you can have the doubles I promised." He gulped down his glass of wine. I took a sip and nodded for him to continue.

"You know Danger right? He is the one you caught in the city. Well anyhow... I have kept in jail ever since he was born. I snatched him from his mother's arms when he was born. His mother...." Max closed his eyes as he started to remember.

"Her name was Lily. One day I found her crying in the park when I was on my way to here. I was about to be announced Leader of the prison camp that day. That's when I spotted her. It was love at first sight. We dated for two weeks and that's when I married her. We moved in, in her mansion. Never knew the big deal of living there but u had to make her happy. She was mad at me because I forced her to marry me quick. That's how much I loved her. I thought it was turning okay but all of a sudden she started to change. Her hair turned into jet black, her eyes into forest green, she turned pale and always remained silent. She started to also wear all black Like if she was going to a funeral. Behind the mansion I would catch her going to the backyard graveyard. I thought it was a family member dead but I was wrong." Max paused and started to pour in more wine in his glass.

"I went to check out the cementary one day only to find that one of the tombstone had many roses.
'To my beloved husband Erick' It read. That's when I realized she was hiding me her past. I was about to Storm in and yell at her when I realized she was pregnant. I lost all anger and felt proud. I was going to be a father. I didn't know how she was having a child if we never slept together and never did love. But it didn't matter. We were going to be parents."

"What happened then?" I interrupted him. Max threw his glass away and started to drink from the wine bottle instead. "Months passed and I found out the truth." He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I was in the living room reading when the start of the misery appeared. A man stood in front of me and started to cuse at me and strangle me. He extended black fading wings from his back and his eyes turned red. He was pale and fangs showed from his perfect mouth. He told me his name was Agustin and that he was going to kill me because I had taken his woman. Lily came out of nowhere and started to yell and scream at Agustin. That's when I noticed she knew him already. Agustin turned back to normal human form and tossed me a small little box. "It's a memory box. It contains all the answers." Were Agustin last words before he gave one last glare at me and vanished in thin air."

Max's eyes darkened. "He was a vampire." "Actually..." I corrected him taking a slight sip from my glass of wine. "He is a demonic vampire." "Demonic vampire?" Max looked surprise and shocked at the same time. I didn't doubt him. Humans know so little about the real world. They think they know everything and can take over since they think man are strong and powerful when really they were poor mindless men. "Demonic vampires are a rare species of vampires. They are known to be invincible and live longer than the average vampires. They are more immortal than anything. Their weakness is still unknown to this day. But that they do have powers? They have the most strongest powers known to mankind." I pointed out. "No wonder Danger can't die..." Max's eyes grew wide. "You tried killing him?" Man this guy was full of hate towards this one guy...

"I tried killing him five times not just for revenge for him breaking my illusions but to also gain His powers. I tried the electric chair, hanging him, stabbing him with a silver knife, shooting him, and feeding him garlic in exposed daylight. Yet he never died. So that means Danger is a demonic creature. He is afterall Agustin's child." He stood up and gave his back towards me. "I took Danger from his mother and sent her home after she gave birth. I was in charge of arresting her. Once she was free I thought she would return...she never came back not even for her own child." He whispered.

"Then mabie I can be assistance to your plot of revenge if only you help me." I suggested. I could see Max smirk through a mirror in front of him. "Speak Vladimir."

"Very well Max. You help me by sending more of your men so I can kill all the werewolves and still I receive my reward. I will get you back 081060 and in return I'll also make sure of Danger's death. Deal?" I extended my hands towards him. He turned around and faced me. "You have yourself a deal." Max shook my hand. "I want Danger a.k.a Sebastian dead." Max's eyes turned really dark almost black. "Consider this the start of a beautiful friendship for revenge." He smirked.

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