Even Fairytales come to an end.

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I took one last deep breath and hugged my daddy. I wiped a tear that fell from my dads eye. He told me today was the day he lost his only babygirl. He said that today was the day that I gave him bacck his last name.

Today is the day i'm getting married.

The doors opened and I saw everyone standing looking at me. I saw Jake standing holding the rings. I saw Karmen In Talia's arms(Yes of course my maid of honor)

Then last my certianly not least,I saw Issa standing there with the same grin on his face from when Karmen was born.I couldn't help but to smile back.

I walked down the aisle while How To Love was playing. I felt like a princess! When I got to the end I handed my flowers to Nichole then held Issa'a hands. All I could do was stand there and smile up at him. He smiled back down at me.It felt like we were the only two people on earth. When it was time to say the vows I had to say mine first because I knew If Issa went first i'd be crying so much that no one would be able to understand what I was saying

"Okay i'm going to try not to cry. Issa Kareem Thompson,I love you more than words can express. I remember the first day we met. I transfered into you school the middle of freshman year and you made up that you were on the welcoming commitie just to talk to me. Then a week later I found out that there was no welcoming commitie,but I still went with your lie because I thought you were cute. We've had our ups and our downs,,,alot. But this relationship is like a gang,once your in,there's no getting out. I can't imagine life without you,and I never want to. I could go on all day ,but after a while Talia would ge to hungry to stay. So bottom line is, I Love You." I said smiling at him.

"Now look you had a good long speech, i'm going to have to try and top it. Well alright,i'm going to need you to not cry.Well Donesia Raycole Richardson,you are my reason for being. When i'm not with you ,I don't feel complete.But aye,don't knock my welcoming commitie lie! It got you to talk to me didn't it? We've had too manny arguements to count,but you know we already argue like a married couple,we might as well make it official.You've given me two beautiful children,Bad children,but still beautiful.Talia just might have to go hungry,cause i'm in the talking mood.Your the most gorgeous woman i've ever laid eyes on,and i'm going to make you realize that everyday until I take my last breath.I Love You" He said,then wiped my tears,beause of course,I cried.

My favorite part?

"You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone clapped,the kiss reminded me of our very first kiss. He picked up Karmen and Jake walked beside us as we walked out. Issaa and I walked outside.

"Well ,we're finally married."I said smiling at him.

"It took us long enough,Mrs.Thompson."He said smiling back. It's like all we can do now is smile.

"Mrs.Thompson? I could get used to that."

"Well i'm glad. You heard what he said,you dealing with me til death."

"Don't remind me."

"Well Talia ain't the only one hungry,we need to get to the food. I didn't pay for it for nothing." He said pulling me inside. We bassically had a mini Golden Coral set up. Everyone clapped once we got in there. We fixed our plates and sat down,basically everyone came over trying to talk to us.The only people we actually paid attention to was his friends,his parents,my friends,and my parents. We were focoused on our plates. Hell the Thompson's be hungry! We ate,opened presents,and ate cake. Me and Talia made a good decision on the cake,cause everbody was on it!

"Awhh! Look at the happy couple! Shoving their faces with food ever since the walked in here." Talia said taking a picture of us.

"Shiddd,we gotta' eat don't we?" Issa asked.

"Lil' boy don't get smart. I don't want to embarass you in front of your wife." She said.

"Baby,I think your bestfriend is trying to get with me. You know they say people like her are mean to you because they like you." He said smirking at me.

"Wow, you funny. You luckky it's your wedding day. Just wait till tomorrow." She said then took the rest of his cake.

"I try and be a good person and tell her I just want to be friends,and she steals my food. I'm tired of the abuse!"He said pouting. He's so adorable when he pouts with thoes big green eyes of his.

"Haha the struggle" I saidd.

About an hour later eyerone left. Jake and Karmen went with Talia so we could go on our honeymoon.

I changed clothes and went to the car where Issa was waiting. He already had our bags packed and in the car. Once I got in the car I just smiled at him.

"So is there a reason you keep staring at me?" He asked after about ten minutes.

"Cause' I love you Mr.Thompson." I said hugging his arm.

"I love you too Mrs.Thompson." He said.

In about twenty mminutes we arrived at a airport. He got out bags and we walked in.

"Babyyyy! Why won't you just tell me where we're going??" I whined.

"If I told it wouldn't be much of a suprise now would it?" He said then kissed my forehead.


"I'm going to go put our things on the plane,here's your ticket. Be on the plane in ten minutes." He said handing me the ticket.

"Fine. I'll be on the plane in which I don't know where it's going."I saidd.

 I walked around for a while then looked at my phone. I had ten minutes to get to the plane.

I hurried trying to get to the plane and accidently bumped into someone.We both ended up dropping our things.

"I'm so sorry!" I said grabbing my stuff off the ground.

The person just grabbed their stuff and hurried off without saying a word.

I looked at my ticket. i had to hurry to gate three in two minutes. I ran to the gate and threw my ticket at the lady and ran on the plane.

Once I got on the plane looked empty. Maybe my ticket was for first class.

I walked up to first class. It was empty there too. I was about to walk off the plane but the door closed. I looked around getting nervous.

I heard a  noise behind me and I turned around quickly.

Then,out of the darkness,there was Jacquees.

I hope this wasn't the suprise Issa wasn't talking about.

                                          THE END!

                                      Sequal? I think so!(;


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