1 ~ fate awaits

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Farrin, Exie, Concordia, Nafateri, and Mirage La Roe. Five sisters, each of which would embrace amazing destinies.....

The prophecy was vague, and yet, I did not let that bother me. However, it bothered the absolute fuck out of Farrin. She hated the prophecy from the moment our mother spoke it. Hated that it started with the eldest and ended with the youngest of us.

Concordia didn't care, Nafateri didn't seem to like it, but did not despise it, and Mirage just felt nervous about it. I, however, embraced it.

That is, until, the day that they called my name from the stage in the Village Square.

"Exie La Roe!" cries the mayor.

"No," Farrin whispers beside me, her blue eyes wide.

I look at my sisters, who stand beside me, our mother behind us. Concordia is shocked, and Mirage and Nafateri are angry.

The mayor looks out at the gathered people. He searches for me. My heart pounds, and I feel like I am gonna be sick. But I fight down the nausea, and the pounding of my heart. I take a few steps forward, the crowd gathered in the square parting for me.

Farrin grabs my arm and pulls me back. I face her, and she shakes her head, her pale face contorted in rage and pain. She brings me in for a tight hug, and squeezes me. I hear the town guards coming toward us, but she holds me close.

"I love you, Exie," she whispers. "Kill the demon. If it tries to kill you, you kill it first."

"But the village...." I whisper.

"Fuck the village," she hisses. "If you are in peril, kill that monster. Before it kills you, too."

Guards grab me and rip me from Farrin's arms. She screams and sobs, but Mirage and Concordia hold her back as I am dragged to the stage.

The mayor, a stout man called Heinrich Blanche, stares at me over wire-rimmed glasses. His milky gray eyes are empty, devoid of any emotion. He simply points to the massive town center hall behind him, and the guards pull me inside.

I get one last look at my family, my sisters and mother, before the doors slam shut behind us.

And I enter the next, possibly final, stage of my life.


I sit and stare off into nothing as I wait for the guards to return and carry me off to demon world. But the doors remain shut and locked, and I remain in this room, alone.

Growing up, this village with no name was never thought of as a safe place. What with them sacrificing young people to their guardian demon. The other kids would tell stories of how their parents said if they misbehaved, the demon would come. They said the demon could control fire, and that it would come once a year, on the beginning of summer and take a victim. But, if you had darkness in your heart, it could come sooner.

I grew up fearing this demon. And now, I am being sacrificed for its protection. And no one here cares, only my family cares. To the village, out in the middle of nowhere, I am dying for the good of them all.

The door opens. And my fate awaits.

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