43 ~ love

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I wake up, my mouth feeling dry and hot, and I sit up, looking around. The place I find myself in is foreign, and I shiver, rubbing my arms. I see Ruin, slumped over on a nearby couch, his eyes closed, and his head down. He's asleep.

"Ruin?" I ask, and his eyes open.

"Elorha," he mutters, then his eyes focus and look at me. "El! Are you okay?" He rushes over to me, hands hovering over my body as I try to pull myself up.

"I'm fine," I say, still shivering.  "What .... what happened?"

"You don't remember?"

I shake my head. He presses his mouth into a thin line and sits down on the edge of my bed, his wings fluttering around the two of us as he adjusts them. Ruin then smiles at me.

"You killed All-Maker, and when they died, so did Pain," he says. "Elorha, we are free!"

"We are?" I ask.  "What about the others? Wither, Rogue, Death? And the war?"

"The others are safe, we are holed up in Rogue's Court for now. The war is still on, but without Pain and All-Maker, it's likely going to end soon."

I nod.  "So, are we okay? We are safe?"

"For now," he says. He smiles.  "But .... damn, Elorha. I thought I'd lost you. I was going insane. I .... I didn't want to lose you. I wanted to keep you safe, and when I thought you were dead because of me ...."

"Hey .... it's okay.  I'm fine, Ruin, I'm fine," I tell him.

He lifts his gaze to mine. "Can I.... kiss you?"

Butterflies flit about in my stomach. I have wanted this. I know I have. I think I have loved Ruin for a while now, but now, I need it. I nod.

He leans in, as do I.  We kiss, and his hands wrap around my jaw, holding me close. He kisses me deeply, and passionately and claiming. And I kiss him too. We kiss and kiss. He gently cups my face in his hands again, then brings his hands up to my hair, gently playing with it. In the meantime, I forget how to breathe, only remembering I can through my nose when I hear him breathing that way.

In my home, my village, I never had much in the way of relationships. So now, despite the fact that I have kissed him before, I feel so.... intoxicated. Drunk on Ruin's love.

He moves his head back a few inches, looking at me. He studies my eyes. I look at his lips, slightly swollen and red from our kisses. He smiles.  I smile back.

"Elorha," he whispers. "I love you."

My heartbeat flutters.  "I love you, too."

We crash into each other again, and he kisses me down my neck, then onto my chest. We both hastily undress, taking off my shirt for him seems so trivial to most, but to me ...

"Oh, El, you're so fucking beautiful," he rasps.

He takes his shirt off, too. I stare at his strong, muscular chest. He has scars, as do I, but he looks so stunning.... I cannot understand how beautiful he is.

We lay down, kissing each other more and more. He unfurl his wings, then brings them down on either side of me. He kisses my forehead.  I kiss his jaw as he does that, and he shivers.

"Gods below, you are wonderful," he practically purrs.

I grin. "So are you."

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