34 ~ stolen bodies

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Concordia's body is rigid. Her skin is lined with pulsing, dark purple veins. Her eyes are amber, like Pain's were before. And she is slowly clapping. Pain steps up, her smile too wide, her eyes darkening. Her black hair is slowly fading into fiery red. Pain is corrupting Concordia, corrupting my sister's dead body.

"The All-Maker sends their regards," she says. "And they wish for you to know that this is just the beginning."

"Fuck you," I snap.  "You need to let my sister go. You need to let us all go."

"Why? This is my favorite body, clearly much better than the last one I inhabited, the one your bitch sister Farrin destroyed."

"Stop," I say.  "Concordia isn't yours. This isn't a game, Pain."

"Life's a game," she says, laughing. "You should know that, Elorha."

I feel my power pulsing through me. I just need to let it grow enough. I just need to let it build. I just need for it to get strong enough for me to end Pain and her reign of terror. I need to kill her, like Farrin did.

But then, a large hand lands on my shoulder. I slowly look up, as my power just .... fizzles out. The figure before me is tall, their eyes pure red. They wear a white dress, and their hair is reddish, but it seems to also be black. They have pale tan skin, and the same pulsing, purple veins like Pain does.

"Did I forget to mention my parent was here?" Pain asks, chuckling.

I look up at the All-Maker, who sneers down at me. They take a deep breath, and then, I hear a soft chittering noise. It grows closer. And closer. I turn, looking away from the All-Maker and Pain, as a creature skitters up to me. It is a massive, scaly beast with a black, chitinous body. Pincers snap as it skitters towards me. The bug thing lashes out, and I scream as pure agony bursts in my leg.

The bug monster thing knocks me down, and I gasp, my fire exploding out of me. All-Maker chuckles.  "Look at her eyes, girl."

Pure, unadulterated horror fills my heart and soul. I scream and cry, watching as the beast-bug crawls up my leg, as I'm laying on my side. I'm on the ground, and this thing is crawling up my body, her pincers snapping.

My mother. She is the bug thing. They turned her into this monster.

Agony tears through my leg, and I scream as the bug-thing stabs my wound with one of her clawed legs. Pain and All-Maker step over to me, and Pain grins at me. She kneels down.

"What's the matter, Elorha?"

"Fuck you, you fucking sickos!"

She laughs. "You're funny, Elorha."

"Fuck off."

All-Maker walks around me. They snap their fingers, and the bug skitters away. I cry, the pain in my leg is growing acidic. I look up at Pain and All-Maker, my gaze defiant.

"If you're going to kill me, just fucking do it," I snap.

"No," says All-Maker.  "We have bigger plans for you, Elorha. For you and Ruin, and your sisters."

"Let me go," I sob.  "Let us all go!"

"We are beyond negotiations," says Pain.

All-Maker sighs. "Gather the others. I think it's time we set our plans in motion."

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