Would you risk it?

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"Tory, take these headphones off, now and come tidy up your room. I'm not gonna tell you again!', mum yelled at me from downstairs. I didn't answer.

"Tory!!!", she yelled again. "I'm coming mum!", i said annoyed, rolling my eyes and taking my beats off. I hid them under the couch, well actually their usual place, so my little annoying sister won't find them.

I started tidying up, when my mum entered the room and said, "I'm off to work now. I'll drive Ellie to school. You should get ready for school as well!". 'Fine mum, don't worry about it", I said and fake smiled at her. "Ok, see you at lunch sweety", she said softly, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Me, mum and my little sister have been living together in this house for five years now, since my father left us. I was only 11 years old beck then. He left as soon as my little sister was born. He said to me back then, that it was neither my nor my sister's fault.

He said it was just because he and mum didn't get along so well and that they couldn't understand each other. He also promised me, that he won't stop visiting us. He said I was too young back then to understand his decision.

Well, BULLSHIT, now that I HAVE grown up, I know the true reason he left mum. It was because he freakin' cheated on her with a barbie doll, half of his age. He didn't even bother calling us since then, and I was actually glad he didn't. We were doing just fine without him anyway.

But besides that I'm a normal teenage girl, who lives a normal, boring life. I'm a shy person, sometimes dramatic, sarcastic when needed and a super clumsy girl. I'm a good girl, with good grades. I'm neither fat nor thin, but I'm kinda short compared to the girls in my class and if you had to describe me with two words, they would probably be something like: dorky nerd.

I started getting ready and went for black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt written on it: Normality sucks and my purple converse. I pulled my long dark hair back into a messy bun, grabbed my bag and was off to school.

I don't actually have a car, so I simply just walk to school. Hayley (my bff ever) texted me 15 min ago, that she already was on her way to school, so no way i could catch up with her.

She has a red Porsche. That girl came from a really rich family and was, to be honest the most beautiful and funny girl I've ever met. She's a bit taller than I am and had long, dirty blond hair. The walk to school didn't take too long.

I entered the school gate only to find Hayley waiting there for me. We hugged quick and entered the school building together.

Our first lesson was Maths, not my favourite subject, I have to admit, but was ok as long as I understood what the teacher was talking about. I always and I mean ALWAYS sit next to Hayley.

The lesson was boring and our teacher kept spitting in my direction. I couldn't be any happier or more pleased by that  >note of sarcasm. I kept looking at my watch, counting the seconds till the ending of that damn lesson.

As soon as I heard the bell ring, I started grabbing my things and waited for Hayley at our lockers.

I was pulling out the stuff for our next lesson, when that total jerk Alex passed by me and pushed me with his shoulder to the side.

I was pushed with my back to the lockers, of course all my books fell to the ground. That jerk has been bugging me, since first grade.

I knelled down and gave him a sharp gaze only to see him turn his head a bit to the side sheepishly grinning at me. He didn't even bother apologising, not that I was expecting it or anything, and kept walking like nothing happened.

God knows how much I wanna choke this guy to death. That Alex is like Mr. popular at our school, not only that, but also known for being a man whore and a vicious street fighter. He has serious temper controlling issues. No one would even dare stand up to him.

I threw my stuff back in, held the books for next lesson and waited patiently for Hayley. What took her so long anyway? Hayley finally came cheerfully jumping up and down like a little kid.

"What the hell took you so long?', I asked her raising one eyebrow. She just stood there, grinning at me in a creepy way. "What???", I asked her to stop. She lent closer, "I talked to Tuck!!!!", she whispered in my ear, her grin getting bigger with every word. "WHAT????", I almost shouted at her, I couldn't believe it. She just stood there, biting her lower lip.

Hayley has had a crush on Tuck, since like, I don't know, forever? She grabbed my arm and dragged me to an empty classroom. She looked so excited and nervous. She began to tell me about their "short" conversation in details, as we went back to our lockers.

I didn't tell her about the incident with Alex, since it was no big deal anyway. Besides I don't know why I'm even still thinking about it, I already had an awesome boyfriend.

I was supposed to meet him today at his house after school. Shit. I totally forgot about that, but at least it wasn't too late yet.

School hasn't finished yet. I could still rush to my house after school, change and meet him on time. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do! I was so proud, of my logic and fast thinking, that I didn't notice, I was staring at Hayley's sneakers all that time. 

"Hel-looo!!! Earth to Tory. Come in!!', she said to me, waving her hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I zoned out for a moment, you were saying?", I smiled at her sheepishly. Before she could actually say anything, I cut her off and started, "Hayley, I'm sorry, but can you please just give me a ride home after school? I totally forgot that I'm supposed to meet Jake after school at his' today!". "Sure, no problem!", she said putting her stuff into her locker.


Hi, guys.                                                                                                                                                                            This is my first story EVER, so I would really appreciate it, if you commented. "with nice things i hope, of course :) "

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