Chapter 8

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That piece of junk, thought he was better. He didn't freakin' help me at all!!! He made me fall from a fence on my head for crying out loud!!!

I didn't know how to reply to that, I just gave him the 'I'm gonna kill you look'. I held on to the fence and stood up. My feet were numb and the backside of my shorts were probably full of grass and dirt. I blindly patted my shorts and noticed Alex looking at me.

"What?", I asked him annoyed.

He didn't answer, he just stood there not moving, with an arrogant grin on his face. you don't know how much I just wanted to walk straight up to him and slap that grin out of his face. I even imagined the hole scene and his shocked expression, which made me smile a bit. of course I didn't do it in reality, for I was too shy anyway, plus I'm not a violent kind of person.

We stayed like this for quite some time. Me glaring at him waiting for him to speak and him standing in front of me smirking arrogantly.

'So are you like gonna thank me for what I did or what?', he asked as if I should be thankful for his "help.

"Emmmm..... NO", I said now a bit pissed off. "why should I anyway? I actually WOULD if you did help me, but letting me fall off a fence on my freakin' head wasn't exactly my understanding of helping someone",I said crossing my arms in front of my chest, that guy was getting on my nerves.

I thought my ears were deceiving me, I couldn't believe what I just heard. Did he honestly think I was going to thank him what so ever? I'm not arrogant, I actually would if he DID help me!! But, letting me fall off a fence head first wasn't really what I understood under helping someone.

I was mentally shooting daggers at him. He was just standing there chin high as if he was the ruler of the world. Who the heck does he think he is?

"I'm waiting you know", he crossed his arms.

"For...?", I asked trying to be as polite as I could at this situation.

"You're so stupid, you know that. For you to thank me for getting you off my fence of course, what else could I be expecting from someone like you!", he said arrogantly, looking at me a bit disgusted.

Believe it or not these simple words hurt. What did he mean with "someone like me" and that look. Although I was hurt I tried to hide it. Keyword in this sentence "tried". For the last thing I needed right now was to make him think he was able to hurt my confidence with simple words. So I just figured not saying anything at this moment would be the best.

"What? Did I touch a nerve there?", he smirked at me.

Ohh, that's it, he totally crossed the line over there. I just wanted to go straight towards that freakin' bastard and slap that smirk off of his face.

"What did the cat eat your tongue??"

Okay, that douchebag was obviously looking for trouble, no more acting nice,Tory. Show that idiot what mess he got himself into.

I couldn't control myself anymore, it was like my mouth had a brain of his own, but I didn't care at this point.

"Look, I don't know who the hell you think you are, to even talk to me like that. And sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not gonna thank you for a god damn thing anytime soon. You didn't help me what so ever. You let me fall off a fence head first, for crying out loud! Why the hell should I thank you for that?", after saying that I gasped for air and tried to calm down. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and I was pretty sure I looked like a tomato right now.

I was so proud at myself for not ruining or messing up at my now called 'payback/show Alex with whom he's got himself into talk'. Long name I know, but you can't deny my creative-ness.

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