Chapter 6

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I tried avoiding my mom and sister this morning, for all I know they would have asked me tones of Questions.

Like I want that!!

So I sneakeliy grabbed me an apple and rushed to school.

I couldn't find Hayley anywhere today, I searched for her everywhere. She didn't show up in any of our classes or at the cafeteria. She never skipped class, so she must've got sick from the party yesterday.

I'll drop by her house after school to go check on her and help her with our assignments and homeworks.

School was even more boring, without her being here and us gossiping about teachers and having fun together. The lessons were as boring as always, but I payed attention anyway. The teacher gave us some school work to do in class, some questions and exercises and stuff.

As always I finished our assignment and the teacher corrected it, while everyone else was talking to their neighbours.

When the teacher was correcting my answers, everyone was looking at me, like I was crazy, "abnormal". Well, I have news for you guys, it's school work, and the word you probably missed was SCHOOL work, which means you have to do it in class, you morans.

Not that I'm judging them or anything, well actually I am, but I really just want them to stop treating me like an alien from outer space!! Am I really asking to much from them???

It was even more boring in the break, with me sitting alone at the cafeteria table.

I was peacefully eating my roast turkey sandwich, when I was interrupted by a very familiar sarcastic voice.

With that all of the sudden the idea of me sitting alone with no one there to disturb me, didn't sound that bad after all!!

"Where is your geeky friend today, did that sip alcohol yesterday make her dizzy and sick that she didn't even manage coming to school today, or what?", he said mockingly.

I turned to look at him and tried giving him an icey glare. How dare he talk about my friend like that? Who the hell does he think he is to have the right to anyway?

I had to think of something bad-ass to say in return, but all I had come up with was, "Just leave me alone you ....... you douchebag!!!! And don't you dare talk about my friend like that!!".

Not the thing I had in mind!!!   And this definetly wasn't something bad-ass!!!!   Douchebg?? Really?? That's all I could come up with?? What the hell was wrong with you brain!!!!!!   Now the glare I gave him earlier had absolutly no meaning, what so ever!!! Just great!!!!

He chuckled and tried hiding his laugh.

I just rolled my eyes at him and was back to my turkey sandwich. I stuffed my mouth with a bite and enjoyed the taste of turkey and pickles. 

I hoped that would make him just finally go away and leave me alone to finish eating my sandwich!!!

Well, obviously it didn't, for Alex sat right in the opposite seat to me.

I looked at him more confused then ever. He didn't say a word, he just took out his sandwich and started eating in silence.

He probably saw the confused/ shocked look on my face and asked with his mouth full, "Why arr you uooking ak me wike gak???".

I grimaced at his disgusting actions. Watching his mouth full of mashed food, wasn't the best view, if you know what I mean! I had to laugh though at the way he talked. He swallowed the left food pieces and nearly chocked, which only made me laugh harder.

Deserves you well, Alex!!

I tried to calm down, took a deep breath to stop laughing, but I couldn't. My eyes started getting all water- ish and I had the feeling of a six pack coming up.

Alex waited until I completely stoped and said smirking, "Your laugh is really funny!".

I looked up at him analyzing his face for any sarcasm. I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or an offence, so I said unsure," Thank you?". 

"It's a compliment don't worry, but don't get too cocky though!", he said grinning. His self confidence was too much for me to handle.

I didn't know how to respond to that. How the hell was I supposed to anyway?

 And look who's talking if it isn't  "Mr. popular/  I don't care about anything or anyone for that matters but me/ man whore". 

I looked back at him, smiling and proud of my brain finally finding the right words to say in the right moment. Alex seemed angry, but a bit offenced too.  What did I do? And what's up with his sudden mood swings?

His face structures loosened a bit and his ocean blue eyes found mine, not breaking eye contact. "Do you really think I'm a man whore?", he said more like a whisper.

Did I just say that outloud????    

"Emmm,... Well, i dunno. E- Everyone else says that, besides...", I began to stutter, when he cut me off sharply, "My advice to you don't believe everything you hear!".

I didn't have the chance to reply, because as soon as he said those words he took his bag and left.

He was soo over reacting. It's not like I'm the only one who thinks so, everyone in his hole school thinks that. Yeah, but they don't say it outloud!!!!, my mind answered me. 



"Finally!!!!", I heard everyone moan. I took my stuff and left the class room. 

Everyone was trying to get out of the class as quick as possible. As if the classroom was about to eat them alive or something. Was I sometimes the only mature one??


The walk over Hayley's wasn't that far. It was just hot and dry. And when I arrived at Hayley's, I was full of sweat. Her mum opened the door.

"Ohhh, hello Tory, thank you, for dopping Hayley's homework off. She's upstairs in her room.", she said friendly. She didn't mention me being soaked of sweat, which I'm btw very grateful for.

I knocked before entering and saw Hayley laying in bed, her cheeks as red as can be and her hair sticky on her forehead. 

I sat next to her on the edge of the bed and asked her concernd, " You look horrible, are you ok?". Then i mentally slapped my self, of course she wasn't "ok". She must've caught a cold from te party yesterday.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Ohh and thank you for coming and bringing me my homework!", she said with a weak smile on her face.

"That's nothing, don't worry about it.", I replied also smiling now.

"Where were you yesterday, I searched for you everywhere!!", she asked now more interested, sitting straight leaning on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Jake brought me home early.", I said.

"Why did he do that/", Hayley asked me.                                

"I dunno why either', I said shrugging my shoulders. 

The both of us didn't say a word after that.

"Soooo, what happened there with you and Tuck?", I asked quick to break the awkward silence.

She told me how they danced the hole night and how perfect it was, how of a gentle man he was and how funny and cute and ....... he was. She even told me that he walked her to her front door and kissed her. 

At that part I couldn't stop my self, so I had to say it. "awwwwwwww". She looked at me annoyed rolling her eyes. i have probably just killed the moment right now, but I was so happy for her. She is really beautiful. She and Tuck make a cute couple.

Then my mind flashed to Jake, I haven't seen him today either. I'll go by his house after I've helped Hayley with her homework, to go check if he was ok.

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