chapter 1- Book worms (Pic of mr Carter)

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I flicked my fringe out of my face with my free hand as my other continued to doodle on my book, the rest of the class were talking loudly to each other waiting for the teacher to show up, he's new. We don't even know his name yet and he isn't making a great first impression.

Just then the door flew open and he rushed in looking slightly flushed and fixing his tie. The girls around me all sat up straight and fixed their hair as they gawked at him. My eyebrows furrowed at them and i decided to look back up at the man. Brown hair swept across his forehead and fell down to his electric blue eyes, his full lips were parted slightly and he was panting from all the rushing he must've been doing. He smirked at the girls that were checking him out and his eyes landed on me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my doodle

His masculine voice made me look up from my book. "Hello class, my name is Mr Carter. I'm sorry i'm late but, what can i say, it takes time to look this good" the girls giggled and my mouth popped open at his cockiness as a snort escaped my lips. "Anyway i'm your new english teacher"

"Duh" my best friend, Dylan, mumbled from beside me causing me to laugh. He had blond hair and tanned skin, what really stood out were his bright green eyes. He was popular, i hate that word, but it's true. Everyone knows him or has heard of him, he has an amazing sense of humour and all the girls drop at his feet. All except me.

"Something funny miss..." Mr Evans asked from near by, i looked up and realised that he was standing by my desk. I shook my head and tried to stifle my giggles. He left his sentence open so i could input my name but i decided to wind up our new teacher. Everyone knows i do it to all the teachers.

"No. i was just thinking, were you late because you struggled to fit your ego through the door?" I smirked up at him. His eyes widened momentarily before he laughed. I could feel my eyes widen too, i was expecting anger, detention even. I was so confused and when he flicked his hair i felt my gaze move to his hair and then his hand as it swooped up to run his fingers through his fringe.

"My ego isn't that big" he put his hand to his heart in mock hurt and it was my turn to laugh before i realised the taut muscles contrasting beneath his light blue shirt, he waved his hand in front of my face. "Please, don't check me out during class" he winked at me and my mouth popped open once again. I let my eyes fall onto my class mates behind Mr Carter to find that they were all watching our encounter, the girls in jealousy and the boys in amusement. My face flushed red.

"Please" Dylan scoffed again and i laughed.

"Sir, i'm sorry but any attractiveness you entered with disappeared as soon as you began speaking" i smiled sweetly at him as his eyes flickered from Dylan back to me. Slowly Mr Carter picked up my jotter and read the front.

"Well, miss winters, you've earned yourself a detention" he dropped the jotter back onto my desk and gave me one last smirk before returning to the front of the class. Dylan smiled up at me.

"Sorry" he muttered. I waved him off in a gesture to tell him not to fret.

"Shut up, it's not your fault that he's an ass" i muttered and started drawing shaped on the desk. I heard 'him' talking again but zoned out, adding more detail to my sketch.

"Miss Winters will you please put your pencil down and engage in my lesson" Mr Carter voice was firm and authoritative, booming over the class to me. I looked up and placed my pencil on the desk slowly. I glared at him hard and he smirked at me. Chantelle caught my eye, she had blond curly hair and deep brown eyes she smiled sympathetically at me and i just gave her a reassuring smile.

English; a class i have everyday, and my favourite class. I want to be a writer when i'm older so i'm taking higher english and literacy for my senior year, how am i meant to learn anything with this conceited ass as a teacher? I love books, i've read most of the classics like Moby Dick, Jane eyre, Pride and Prejudice and to kill a mockingbird. The funny thing is i'm failing English miserably and i don't know how. Maybe it was because my last teacher was an old man and taught us more history than English.

I stared at him and decided to listen to what he was blabbing on about.

"Has anyone in the class read Pride and prejudice?" He asked and my hand shot up, he looked momentarily shocked then nodded at me in appreciation. I vaguely noticed that my hand was the only one in the air.

"You read it?" He stated in disbelief and sat down at his desk, resting his head in his hands.

"Mr. Collins was not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had been but little assisted by education or society." I quoted, smirking at him. He seamed please with my answer and that annoyed me, i wanted to show off now; to show him up. He must've figured out that i was referring the quote to him and his immaturity. "I think that Pride and Prejudice is a great book about societal structure and love. i liked the way it took me "back in time," what i'm referring to is that not only was it a beautiful love story but it helps people understand the way of life of the british people of that time period. the importance of marriage to young girls, how important it was to be accomplished young lady"

The silence in the class spoke wonders. Dylan gave me a toothy grin and i gulped loudly as my eyes fell across my class mates. "A wonderful synopsis" Mr Carter smiled kindly then cleared his throat. "Thank you Miss Winters"

I then dropped my head in embarrassment, my classmates continued to gawk at me in surprise. Chantelles hand went up next and i realised he had asked who had read Moby Dick. Chantelle and i were the only two people in our group of friends that were 'book worms', we loved a good classic. I raised my hand gingerly and Mr Evans had the balls to look shocked again.

"Why so surprised?" I spat at him, he opened his mouth then closed it again at a loss for words. I rolled my eyes and the bell rang. I packed away my things and headed for my next class.

"Miss Winters" he called as i reached the door. I stopped and faced him "don't forget you have detention"

I poked at my salad as Chantelle joined the table. "Hey Rach" she smiled at me. I looked up and smoothed my red hair out of my face.

"Hi channy" i returned her smile and took a sip of my cola. "What class did you just come out of?"

"Physics" she answered and made a sick face. I laughed and gave her a sympathetic smile. "I have an idea" she told me smiling brightly.

"What's that?" I asked interested. I popped a strawberry into my mouth.

"I say we go up to english and jump on mr Carter" she sounded so serious. I gasped and started choking as the strawberry clogged my throat. She watched me in amusement as i spat the strawberry back onto my plate and glared at her.

"What the fuck?!?" I yelled.

"Why, miss Winters watch your language!" Channy scolded, mocking mr Carter.

Please give it a chance it's only the first chapter :)

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