chapter six- Dinner Guest

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It was late afternoon when my mum awoke from her slumer, working all night has it's tole on her. She smiled at me and headed straight for the kettle."You look fresh, what time did you get in?" She asked while getting a cup out of the cupboard. 

"Earlier, Chantelle and i stayed next door" i said as i absently flicked through all the chenels. "You know,at my gay english teachers house" 

She nodded and tipped two sugars into her cup then looked at me assesingly. "The same teacher that gave you a detention?" she asked and i nodded and scowled. Bastard. "Well you know i'm all manners so don't get mad when i tell you this" 

"What?" I asked harshly and turned to look at her, muting the tv. 

"He's new to the building and lives next door, you remember when our other neibourghs mooved in and we invited them out for dinner? Well i've invited him in for dinner because i didn't think you'd be comfortable eating out with your teacher" She explained it hurriedly and took a drink of her tea. 

"He's coming here?" I asked with a shaky voice, my anger level rising. "Why the fu-"

knock, knock.

"Launguage Rachel, that'll be him now" She looked towards the living room door. "Go get the door" 

"no way" I laughed at her and un muted the tv. 

knock, knock. 

"Rachel get the door" She demanded and i ignored her being the polite angel that i am. "Oh for the love of God" She stormed out and i heard the door being ripped open. "Collin, lovely to meet you finally!" She exclaimed and i squeezed my eyes closed. Don't mention me. Don't mention me.

"Linda, the pleasure is all mine" Eugh. I could almost hear my mum drool. They came through the living room door and he smiled at me, I just gave him my best fuck you face and turned back to the tv. "miss Winters"  Ignoring his attempt at getting a response from me i felt someone thwack me on the back of the head. 

"Manners Rachel" I turned around and glared at my mum who had been the one to thwack my head. 

"What the hell you physco, i don't WANT to speak to him" I looked to him with hatred clearly displayed. He had no right to come here. My mum rolled my eyes and turned back to him. 

"You talk ABOUT him all the time" SHe stifled her giggles and i scowled at her.

"Mum I only told you that he gave me detention and that i've seen bricks with better personalitys" I looked to him quickly to see that he was smirking. Mum however, was scowling now as i had just insulted the guest. She shouldn't try to embarrass me in the first place though. 

"okay, for dinner i was thinking about cooking-" I burst out laughing and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"mum, no offense dear, but you can't cook. At all" I shook my head and she flamed red."I say that we get a chinese to save my mother from thurther embarassing herself" I patted her head and she smacked my hands away. 

"oh okay, Is that okay with you Collin?" She smiled sweetly and i rolled my eyes at her. My mother. He gave her one of his heart stopping smiles and nodded.

"It's perfect with me, Linda" She giggled and walked out.

"i'm going to get the recipes" she shouted. I stared at the door after she left and shook my head.  My head turned towards him when he sat next to me on the couch and stole the remote, he winked at me before sitting back and putting a hand behind his head causing his tight black t shirt to ride up and how his tanned abs. I blushed a little and turned to see what he was putting on the tv. He stopped at friends and put it on. I mentally praised his choice. 

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