chapter eighteen- Sleeping on it

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I threw the door open and my mum appeared from a doorway. She smiled when she saw me and I ran into her arms and held her close. She kissed my cheek and stroked my hair.

"Rachel i missed you so much, where's Collin, have you been good? Oh my Gosh your hair! It's brown again! You're so beautiful" She pulled away and looked at my face. "You look so much like your father" Her eyes filled with tears and I smiled at her.

"I missed you too mum, and thanks" I grinned and hugged her again. "And Collin's with Simon unloading the car" i smiled and she looked over my shoulder and gasped.

"Collin! honey" she ran over and cupped his face. "I owe you so much son. Thank you" She kisses his cheek and hugged him tightly. "Now everyone in the living room, we have some catching up to do!" i grinned and turned to head into the living room. my eyes widened when i noticed a body on the couch.

"Granny!" I exclaimed and ran over to her wrapping my arms around her frame. She laughed and patted my back.

"Rachel you're so big! last time i saw you you were sitting on my knee" She laughed whole heartedly and looked over my shoulder and her eyes widened. "And who's the hunk you brought? A boyfriend?" I blushed and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"No, a teacher" I told her and she frowned in confusion. "He has been baby sitting me" i smiled at her and turned to mr Carter who was staring at me sadly.

Didn't think i'd heard that, did you prick?

"Oh, how nice" my gran smiled at him and we all took a seat around the living room. "rachel do you have a boyfriend then?" My gran asked and i smiled.

"Yeah actually I do" I said and my mum squealed excitedly. "It's Damon" I said more to my mum and she beamed a smile at me.

"Oh honey, that's wonderful. You both have always had a chemestry" She bubbled and i smiled.

"Yeah, he's pretty great." I looked down at my hands and avoided Collin's gaze.

"So Collin, how has Rachel been?" My mum asked Mr Carter and he blushed and fidgeted.

"Well other than the week of detentions she had she's been great" He smirked at me with a coldness in eyes that i couldn't place, it looked like jelousy but not quite. My mum scowled at me.

"Rachel!" She scolded and i gave Collin a glare.

"Well Collin gave me my apartment key back" I said and she stilled and Mr Carter gave me a look of dread and shame.

"Wh- What?" She asked me and Simon rested a hand on her shoulder from his place standing behind the couch.

"Yeah, i've been living alone for about a week now, maybe even longer" I said never breaking eye contact with Collin as we glared at each other. I didn't mean to tell her that. "Damon keeps me company though, he's fantastic" I broke eye contact now and looked at my lap. My subconsious glared at me and mouthed the word 'Slut'.

"Oh well." i mum said and cleared her throat. "What did you do?" My eyes shot to hers and I searcher her face dumbfounded. "What did you do that got you kicked out?"

"Nothing!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes and turned to Mr Carter who looked away sadly. "I can't believe you" I said to her and she scowled at me.

"Rachel why would Collin kick you out for no reason?" She asked sternly and i looked at him for help, he just looked at the floor. I groaned in frustration and grabbed my jacket that i had took off on my way in. "Don't you leave this house!" She said and i slammed the door behind me, I walked down the street and the air nipped at my skin, England is so cold. My head was spinning and i knew that i over reacted with my mum but i needed to get away from Collin anyway, he was pushing me over the edge today and i'm scared i might get violent at him. He kisses me back and suddenly he's my baby sitter to some random flight attendant he'll never see again. I heard footsteps on the pavement behind me and I knew they were his, I just knew it. I turned the corner towards the small park, i used to go to it when i was younger. The swings were empty so i sat on one and stared at the bark on the ground. Collin sat in the chair next to me and stayed silent. I thought about everything and just let my thought whirl in my head. He cleared his throat and i mentally prepared myself for whatever he was about to say.

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