Chapter ten- bye

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When i peeled open my crusty eyes i breathed in a maculine sent and my eyes widened. i lifted my head quickly and groaned at the pain that shot through it. I was lying on mr Carters chest and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist holding me to him. I tried to get off him but his hold was too strong. "mr Carter; I whispered and poked his chest softly. He grumbled in his sleep and i sighed. "mr carter" I poked him again and he frowned. "Collin" his name felt alien on my tongue. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"much better" he praised and closed his eyes again "now go back to sleep" I tried pushing off his chest again and he groaned.


"Collin." He cut in with a smile tugging at his lips. i rolled my eyes.

"Collin i want to get up" I sighed when he didn't move "you're holding me down" He opened his eyes again and looked down at our bodies.

"Who fell asleep first?" He asked and winked at me. Of course it was me. I lifted my head slightly more and noticed that his chest was bare. I groaned in frustration. He let me go and i sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. He cleared his throat and i looked down and realised that i was stradling his hips, my legs at each side of his hips. I turned beat red and got off of him then stumbled to the kitchen for water. He came in after me and sent me a lopsided morning smile that was sexy as fuck. I filled my glass and downed the water without smiling back at him. "You're not a morning person" He teased and took the glass from me and filled it again drinking it himself this time. I sighed and walked aroud him but he grabbed my elbow and spun me around.

His blue eyes were bright and round and staring deeply into mine ,pleading with me. "Don't shut me out Rachel, i'm just teasing" he whispered and my heart swelled for him. We maintained eye contact for a few seconds and my hand found his. I gave him a small squeeze and a smile and turned on my heel to get ready for school.

I arrived at school and Amelia gave me a knowing look which i ignored. Hayden smiled at me from behind my group of friends and i gave him a small wave. Chantelle and Dylan followed my gaze and looked back at me with a look of disgust, disappointment and anger melded into one.

"what?" I asked defensivley and they both shook their heads.

"You've spoken to him" Chantelle acused angrily and i nodded my head. It's my life they don't control me.

"Yes and we made up, he's missed us all. Especially you Dylan" Dylan's hard look faultered a little but his eyes stayed stone hard and his glare was directed at me.

"How could you" Chantelle asked quietly, in a hurt voice. My eyes flashed to hers and my anger boiled over. "You can't talk to him"

"It's my life, i can make up with him if i want.I can talk to him if i want. None of you know anything so just leave me to live my own life" I spat at them and Dylan laughed angrily.

"Okay Rachel. Off you go and live your own life" he sneered and my heart crashed through my chest, breaking all my bones and smashing through my back then falling to one million pieces. I looked at Chantelle and with tears in her eyes she looked away. Amelia who had stayed quiet was looking at Dylan and Chantelle and when she caught my eye she took my hand and led me off. my emotions were all over the place, taking over each other and bubbling up, trying to reach the surface. I squashed them down with all my might and forced a smile. Amelia led me into the school and the bell rang.

"What do we have first?" i asked and hooked her arm in mine enthusiasticslly. She smiled brightly and squeezed my arm.

"Maths" She loved maths so she sounded happy when telling me this. After homeroom We arrived at the maths classroom and Mrs Darcy smiled at me. I returned it tightly and sat at my normal seat. Amelia sat next to me looking almost protective and we talked until the class filled. Both Dylan and Chantelle averted eye contact with me and Amelia rolled her eyes.

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