Chapter eight- caged in

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The woman in front of me smiled brightly before handing me her bags and kissing my cheek. "Thanks Collin hon" she smiled as i received the bags and then pushed past me. I followed her down the hallway and she turned into the living room and stopped in her tracks when she spotted Rachel. I placed her bags in the corner and smiled. "You didn't tell me you had company" she smiled and held a hand towards Rachel "Hello, i'm Rose, Collins' mum" Rachel returned her smile.

"Lovely to meet you, I'm Rachel" my mum shook her hand and looked at her attire.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but aren't you a little young to be dating my son" my mum asked her with a hesitant look. Rachel laughed.

"I'm not... We're not dating" she gestured between us but wouldn't meet my eye. "He's my teacher, that would be inappropriate" she smiled again and this time met my eye. I blushed and looked at my mum.

"Oh, i see. I'm sorry i'm being nosey but why are you at your teachers house?" My mum was frowning, looking confused. I laughed and looked at Rachel.

"Rachel, why don't you put the kettle on and i'll explain everything to my mum" i suggested and she glared at me subtly before giving my mum another soft smile and scurrying off into the kitchen.

"She seems nice...spill" my mum demanded and fell onto the sofa. I sat on the small recliner and sighed.

"Well her mum left for england yesterday, they live next door and so she's living with me for six

months" i shrugged and my mum regarded me. "What?"

"So what's with the bruises"

"She ran into trouble last night. It's been taken care of, just some thugs" my jaw clenched involuntarily and Rachel popped her head around the door.

"Umm... Rose how many sugars do you take in your tea?" She Asked quietly and my mum ripped her eyes from me.

"Three dear" she smiled and Rachel nodded then disappeared. "Go help the poor sod" my mum said to me and i nodded.

"Probably a good idea, make yourself at home" i flashed my mum a smile and then jogged towards the kitchen. She was standing by the sink looking out the window and i went over to the three cups to find teabags and sugar in each of them.

"I'm waiting on the kettle boiling" she said suddenly making me jump. I turned to her and she looked out the window again instantly. The kettle located next to her wasn't boiling and i frowned.

"You know Rachel..." I started walking towards her, her eyes widened and she turned her body to face me. I stopped close to her face again and she watched me hesitantly. I smirked at her and swooped down to her ear. "It would help it the kettle was plugged in" my smirk grew when she became flustered and embarrassed and fumbled with the plug quickly. She turned to me again and scowled before trying to go around me. I stopped her, caging her to the counter with my arms and smiling. I raised one hand and tucked her hair behind her ear before i let my thumb lightly brush her lip and land on her shoulder. She stiffened beneath me.

"Your mums waiting" she whispered and i nodded.

"I'm only helping you make tea" i replied and stared into her eyes.

"I need to... Go.... Brush my- my hair" she lifted my arm from the counter before going around me. I frowned after her but the ping of the kettle made me avert my attention to it and i finished making the tea.

Rachel's' Pov

I closed my door tightly and slapped my face hard. What was i doing? I almost let him kiss me... Twice! He was doing things to me , he was turning my brain to mush and reeling me in for his disposal, for him to use. He wasn't getting me that easily. No. I have never even looked at a boy since Hayden cheated and so mr Carter isn't going to be my first 'rebound'. Do one night stands count as rebounds because if they do i've had lots but that's not the point, i don't know what his game is but i know i won't benefit from letting him kiss me. I looked in the mirror and i was flushed and shaky. Bad Rachel. I pulled off my jumper and put on a plain t-shirt and swapped my hot pants for some jeans before opening up the door and making my way towards the living room again. Rose smiled at me when i entered.

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