Chapter twenty- mrs Ramsey

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Amelia called me to say that Veronica wanted to see me as soon as possible.. that's why i'm outside her office now. Her secretary smiled at me and told me just to go in so i did.

Mrs Ramsey still looked the same, which isn't surprising because it's been under a year.. She smiled at me as i walked in and i forced a smile back to her although i felt very uncomfortable. She stood up from her cosy sofa and held her hand out to me, i shook it. "Mrs Ramsey... Good to see you again"

She laughed whole heartedly and sat me down on the recliner. "Rachel please, call me Veronica! And it's good to have you back" She sat across from me and i immediatly regretted coming. "Let me guess, you thought coming here would lift a weight off your shoulders and now your regretting it?" She asked as she picked up her clip board and pen. I examined her and then cracked a smile.

"How'd you know?" I asked nervously running a hand through my hair, she watched me doing this and smiled.

"It's my job" She looked down at her piece of paper. "I know that last time you came you weren't ready to talk to anyone and i'm hoping that this time you are.. I don't know anything about you Rachel" She looked at me and i looked at the floor.

"Well where do i start?" I asked quietly and she smiled at me fully.

"Where do you think would be best"

At first i was a little wary about opening up to this woman, but soon found out that it was easy to tell her about my past, starting off slow with very little detail about my dads death and my strong relationship with him, and then moving on to my rebelious stage when Simon moved in. She asked a few questions about Simon and then we moved on to Hayden and how he cheated on me.. She said that probably fucked up my trust issues the most as i was vulnerable at the time. I agreed. Soon we moved on to Gary's death and how that just put me on edge, but it wasn't the tipping point.

"Then what was the tipping point.. In your opinon?" She asked and i took a deep steadying breath and looked at the clock. "Your time isn't up yet, Rachel" She smiled slightly and i lay back in the recliner seat and closed my eyes. I then poured my heart out to her about Scott and what he did to me, i even described a few cases of him initiating it, i told her about waiting everynight for him to come into my room, and being left alone with him a lot because my mum and Simon thought we needed to bond.. I then told her about him getting caught by my mum and how her voice was the one memory that was most vivid, how i can still remember the sound of her voice. I told her that Scott is in jail and that my family is back on track now.

"And the boy.. Hayden?" She propted, still scribling things onto the notepad.

"Hayden and I are on friend terms now, he came back to town lately and I lost a dear friend"

"Dylan smith?" She asked and i nodded, having told her that when i told her about Hayden. "He took it rough?"

"Yeah, you could say that. He said some things to me which were pretty unforgivable" i sighed.

"so how are you doing in your dating life then?" She asked and placed the notebook to the side. I sighed.

" A few weeks ago i would have laughed at the thought of me in a relationship. Then this boy.. Damon, came back to town and had me, of all people, liking him. We dated.. Well we would still be dating but i told him we needed a break-"

"Why?" She asked leaning forward slightly. I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"I don't know, i freaked out when he told me he loved me" I said. "And there may have been.. Someone else" I said and she gasped.


I laughed at her unintelligent response and sat back up. "Well When my mum first went to England she moved me in with the next door neighbour, he was also my teacher and he is only twenty one. Anyway i kissed him and felt terrible about it so i told Damon but he let it go and said he cared about me and that he forgave me blah, blah blah" I sighed. "but then i slept with some guy after the teacher stressed me out.. This teacher knows everything" I said and her eyes widended.

"you mean about your Step brother?" I nodded and he wrote some things down. "So what's the problem?"

"Teacher boy came to England with me and asked me out while i was on a break with Damon and I said yes because i'm infaturated with this boy.. but things got weird and he asked me to make a choice" I blurted. "And i don't know who to choose. This teacher has had a tough life, and he is such a player, I don't think that i can trust him not to cheat on me.."

"And Damon loves you and your freaking out?" I nodded silently. "Well Rachel all i can say to you on that is to follow your heart and that your a strong girl, you'll get through this one. Would you like to arrange another session?"


"Okay. See you soon" I got up and walked towards the door when her voice carried over to me. "Rachel you know that dating a teacher is illegal, right?" I turned on my heel and smiled at her.

"I've nothing to loose" I shrugged.

"That may be true, but does he?" I thought about it, yeah his dads loaded and if we got caught he could borrow money but his family feud goes way back... The shame Collin would feel to have ruined his life that he built to impress his dad if we got caught. I cast my eyes to the floor. "Don't pick the person that's best for you, pick the boy who you're best for"

I reached for the handle again not looking back at her. "Thanks Veronica" I said quietly and walked out, maybe i could hold off choosing until graduation, but did i really want to make them wait? I mean i'm nothing specail i shouldn't even have two guys lined up for me.

My head started spinning as i slipped into my car and rested my forehead on the stearing wheel. I took deep steadying breaths and then sat up determined to make the right choice and not hurt anyone. I turned the key and pulled out on to the street.

I got home and paced the hallway, I don't need to make the decision anytime soon, by all means i should be picking Damon, but i don't have feelings for him any more. I checked the time and noticed it was only three o'clock. I grabbed my keys and phone and drove down the street dialing in the numbers.

"Hey Chantelle!" I greeted when her voice carried down the phone.

"What's up?" She asked curiously and i sighed.

"i'm in my car and i want to meet up with you, Mia and Hayden. You up for it?"

"Sure babe, where?" I frowned and chewed on my lip in thought. "How about the beach?" She suggested after i was silet.

"Uhm sure" I looked out the window. "I'm like twenty minutes away, i can pick you up if you want?"

"Would you?" She asked "Will i phone Mia and Hayden?"

"Would you?" I grinned and we hung up. I did a U-turn and headed towards Chantelle's. In the twenty minutes it took me to drive to her house She was waiting on her front step. When i pulled up I honked the horn and leaned out the window.

"Move your ass bitch" I shouted and she bounded up the steps towards me, she climbed in the passenger seat and leaned over to hug me. I smiled at her. "Do we need to pick up the others?"

"Nope they are both quiet near the beach they said they'll just head to it" She said and i wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"is it just a coincidence that they are both near each other?" I said with a huge grin, Chantelle looked at me.

"What are you getting at?" she asked and i just shook my head with a huge grin.

"Oh nothing, nothing" I looked at her out of the side of my eye and sighed. "I need to tell you something" She watched me with a frown and i continued. "I may be dating my teacher" Her scream made me wince as she clapped her hands. "I thought you hated Collin?"

"Yeah, yeah. But no. Only because he knew.. Everything" She said still smiling. "SO what's up with you and Damon??" She asked and i sighed and turned a corner.

"Well Damon.. he uhm... loves me" I coughed awkwardly and she giggled.

"Tell me something i don't know" I gave her a confused look and she rolled her eyes. "The boy has stars in his eyes"

"Well he obviously doesn't know about Carter, but Collin wants me to choose and i just... I'm so confused, i mean I trust Collin, he knows so much more than you think he knows"I looked at her and she nodded. "It happened in England, I guess there's just so much chemestry there.. Damon though, he isn't giving up"

"So who do you want" I shrugged and pulled into the pier parking lot. I cut off the engine and looked at her.

"I don't have a clue!.. I mean Mr Carter's a teacher.. and his family buisiness is too much, Like if he lost his job his dad would make him feel like shit" I sighed running both hands through my hair. "And Damon and I.. It's just easier"

"but is that what you want?" She asked and I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"I don't know" She patted my shoulder and we both exited the car. As soon as i stepped onto the tar mac I was swept off my feet and twirled around by arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hayden put me down" I squealed and slapped his wrists. he laughed and put me down.

"I've missed you" he pulled me into a hug and i smiled and turned to Amelia.

"hey babe" She smiled and hugged me too. "Lets go have fun!" We headed down onto the beach and i noticed that both Chantelle and Amelia had beach bags.

"I came unprepared" I said and began to sit down on the sand but chantelle grabbed my arm.

"Here" She handed me a spare towel and i thanked her before laying on it and putting on my sunglasses. I heard them all shuffling and looked up to see them all staring down at me smirking.

"What?" i asked and hayden grabbed my wrists before pulling me to my feet. I frowned and pouted. "I was comfortab-" I screamed when he launched me over his shoulder and made a B-line for the ocean. My face was right next to his bum as i slapped his back in hope of him releasing me.

"Put me down!" I repeatedly yelled getting amused looks from all the other sunbathers. He chuckled when his ankles emerged in water and the ends of my hair dipped in. I screamed and he placed me in the water when he was knee deep and up to my hips. The water was freazing and i slapped Hayden's chest. "You ass" I laughed and he chuckled slightly and put his hands underwater, splashing me over and over. My clothes and hair was drenched by the time he had finished and looked triumphant. I held my arms at my side awkwardly and looked down at my clothes.

"Oh no you didn't" I said and glared at him playfully, he bit his lips and nodded.

"Oh yes i did" I jumped on him and he fell to his knees, soaking his tshirt. i then splashed him numerous times as he got to his feet and advanced on me, i turned and tried to run away but the water was restricting me and he soon caught me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He fell backwards into the water making us go under for a few seconds and reemerge laughing.

"You pig!" i said and walked towards the beach again, Chantelle and Amelia were on the sand laughing at me as I approached and pulled my money out my bag. "i'm going for an ice cream" I called to them as i walked towards the pier. A familier face caught my eye and i squinted against the sunshine to see if i was hullucinating or not.

"Collin?" He turned around holding a mint cone and frowned at me then looked at my clothes. Hands slipped around my waist and i looked up to see Hayden smiling down at me. Collin's grip on his ice cream visible tightened and Hayden followed my line of sight and smiled at Collin politely.

"Hey sir.. What are you doing here?" He asked and I looked at the ground.

"Hayden teachers have lifes too believe it or not" Mr Carter forced a small laugh and looked at me. "How are you, Miss Winter's?" He asked through his teath and i looked up at Hayden and handed him my money.

"Hayden can you" I indicated to the ice cream stand and he smiled.


I waited until he was out of earshot and turned back to Collin who was looking down at my attire. I opened my mouth to talk but he turned around and started walking away. I frowned and walked after him, catching up to him immediatly. "What are you doing?" I asked and he ignored me, staring ahead and walking at a fast pace. "Stop!" I said and he kept walking, He got ahead of me and I watched him round a corner. I looked back and saw Chantelle pointing frantically and mouthing 'go after him'. I turned on my heel and started running around the corner to see him throw away his cone and fish out his car keys. I speed walked over to hiim and spun him around by his shoulder. He stared at me impassivley as i observed his face.

"What's your problem?" I asked and he scoffed and looked at me shaking his head.

"Three guys now?" He asked amazed and my jaw dropped. "I saw you and Hayden in the sea, you looked really cosy" He spat and i rolled my eyes.

"You're being ridiculous"

"Am I? Am I being ridiculous? I mean I thought you had to choose between Damon and i but obviously you can't keep your-" He stopped himself and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "So Are you two a thing?" he asked and his eyes shone with jelousy.

"Collin grow up" I said shaking my head. "You know that i'm not stupid enough to date him again!"

"Do i know that?" He yelled and i stepped back. He sighed. "I don't think i know you at all"

"That's... Great" I said after a long moment of silence. how could he say that. I looked at the ground and he sighed.

"that's not what i-"

"no. I understand what you meant perfectly.. Mr Carter" I turned around and began walking away when rage took over, I faced him again and looked him dead in the eye.

"You just made the choice a whole lot easier" I said quietly and walked back to the beach. before i rounded the corner i heard him curse and kick his car. I took my ice cream off Hayden and he frowned at me.

"Where did you go?" He asked and i pointed to the toilets at the corner.

"The toilet but i was sick so i need to get home. Do you guys need a lift or are you staying?" I asked and he held up his keys. "Okay i'll see you tomorrow at school" I said and he nodded and hugged me.

"hope you're okay" he said and i waved to Chantelle.

I got in my car and thought that maybe it was for the best, now i can be with Damon and I won't have to choose. I drove home thinking about everything and arrived back realising how cold I was. Thinking that a hot drink then getting changed would save me time so I cut the engine and ran into beanscene. I walked towards the counter and Sean smirked at me so i did a twirl to show off my soaking outift, he laughed. While twirling someone in a booth caught my eye. Miss Hills. i looked across from her and my heart stopped, Collin and her were having coffee.

"Sean, Say my name really loud" I whispered and he frowned. "Just do it"

"Rachel.. The usual?" I looked around and sure enough Collin was looking. I turned back to Sean and winked at him as he prepared my usual hot chocolate.

"Thanks" My phone started ringing so i answered it. "Hey Damon!" i exclaimed and gave Collin a pointed look.

"Hey. Can i see you?" He asked and i looked at my cup.

"Sure, i'm at beanscene now.." I said and he cut my off.

"I'll be there" And the line went dead. I looked at the phone with a small smile and turned to look at Sean.

"you sitting?" He asked and i nodded. He took off his cardigan and handed me it with a small smile.

"Thanks Seany boy, i'll give it back before i leave. Damon walked in a second later and smiled at me upon walking over. He opened his arms and i stepped into them and hugged him,, breathing in his masculine scent and sighed.

"i missed you" he whispered as i pulled away and slid into a table. I gave him a small smile and he slid into the chair across from me.

"You seen me yesterday" i reminded him and he blushed and looked down.

"I meant, I miss being with you" he said again and i looked at the table. "Things still complicated?"

"I'm not sure anymore Dames" I sighed. "even though things got a lot less complicated.. It's still complicating" he nodded. I looked into his deep brown eyes and we just stared at each other until he motioned for me to come over. i stood up and leaned over and conected my lips to his, He sighed into the kiss and his hand cupped my cheek. I smiled into the kiss when his other hand pulled my head closer.

"Let's not do this here" I said and he winked at me and stood up.

"Get your coffee" he said and i picked it up and handed him my key.

"I've got Sean's jumper on" I said and he nodded and left to go to my flat. I took the jumper off and handed it to Sean.

"that was quite the show" He said and i smiled with a blush. "But a man's picking up your coffee" he chuckled and i whipped around only to be paralysed by the blue of Collin's eyes.

I cleared my throat and looked down at my drink, not wishing to look at the hurt on his face. I reached for the cup but he moved it from my reach.

"Just like that, huh?" He said upset and i looked up at him.

"Well i didn't see you running after me at the beach.. And Miss Hill's was enjoying your company. Keep the hot chocolate" i said and walked away.

"Rachel" he said and i turned around. he handed me the drink. "Miss Hills asked me for a drink when I was walking to my flat.. her fiance just proposed" he spoke and i shrugged.

"What's your excuse for at the beach?"

"I'm an idiot" He whispered, his voice hoarse. I looked away as tears threatened and then i left without another word. I got to the top of the stairs and gripped the banister tightly taking deep breaths to calm my emotions. Damon came out and i smiled at him.

"Are you just going to stay out here?" He asked and i smiled and shook my head. He came closer and gripped my hips and pressed me against the wall next to my door. "I'm so glad we're diong this" He whispered and i smiled more genuinley.

"Me too" He pressed his lips to mine and they moved in sync. It was the perfect kiss, minus the butterflys and fireworks that i feel with Collin. We kissed longer and i broke apart for breath.

"Let's go inside" I panted and he nodded and walked inside. Collin walked up stairs and passed me.

"Just like that" He mumbled and i rolled my eyes when he slammed his door. i went inside and spent the day with Damon.


Damon, Chantelle and I walked in to english the next morning and i avoided eye contact as i sat in my seat. Miss Hills walked in and looked at me and Damon. "Awh you're that cute couple from beanscene, right?" she asked and i nodded with a blush.

"How's your fiance?" I asked and she laughed hysterically.

"Fiance? Honey i'm single" She continued to laugh as she walked over to Mr Carter who stared at me while talking to her. I frowned at him and narrowed my eyes then flirted with Damon just to get back at him, the lying, jelous, conceited ass. Chantelle looked at me and whispered in my ear.

"You chose Damon?"

"I didn't have much choice" i whispered back. she frowned confused and i rolled my eyes. "Ill tell you later"

Class began with Mr Carter telling us about our new assignment which was to read some book, i just zoned out not wanting to hear his voice. "Miss Winter's what do you think?" He asked breaking me out of my daydream. i looked up at him and he was waiting patiently, i then looked at the class, some were looking at me amused and others were glaring at me. I sighed and looked back at Mr Carter.

"I don't know"

"You don't know what you think?" He asked feinging confusion and i rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me" He stated sharply. "Why don't you know?"

"Because i wasn't listening"

"And why not?" He asked and i looked at the table and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Because i wasn't listening" I said bored with the conversation. He winked at me and sat at his desk still mainting eye contact.

"Melissa, please come up here" he said and my blood boiled as i glared at him and sunk back in my chair.

"Yes sir?" she giggled when she reached the front. She pushed her boobs up and fixed her hair making me gag.

"please tell Miss Winters what todays lesson was about" he rested his hand on her shoulder and she nodded and batted her eye lashes at him. He dropped his hand and sat at his desk looking at me impassivley the whole time. I looked at my desk as Melissa's high pitched voice droned on and on. I didn't catch any of the lesson after that except after she had explained it Mr Carter thanked her and checked her out in front of me. I shut my eyes and fell asleep on the desk.

"Rachel, wake up" Damon's voice made me jump up off the desk and look around. Everyone was filing out the classroom to go home and i grabbed my bag.

"Lets go babe" I said and grabbed his hand ready to drag him out. He yanked my arm back and i stumbled to his chest as he kissed my lips softly.

"What's the rush?" he pulled away and we started walking to the door.

"miss Winter's you have detention with me, sleeping in class.. Tut tut." he smiled emotionlessly and Damon hugged me.

"You look so angry" he chuckled and i kissed his shoulder.

"You have no idea" i whispered and he squeezed me then let me go and walked out. I turned around and sat on the desk staring at the floor.

"So Miss Hills Fiance is nice" i said and he looked at me. "He's pretty specail" I said looking up

"How so?" He asked and i glared at him.

"He's invisible" I spat at him and stood up. "You know, i don't have to stay here and sit in silence" I said picking up my bag and heading for the door. He got up too and as i opened the door he put his hand on it and closed it. I sighed and turned around not looking at him, i pushed past him and sat back on the desk.

"That was quite a show on the stairs" He growled at me and i looked at him, the hurt that flashed across his face was unmissable and so real it actually hurt me. I looked away.

"melissa's quite the actress too" I said quietly my eyes still attached to the floor. "So are you, I believed you little lie about Miss Hills"

He walked over to me and stood in front of me, I still didn't look up and he sighed. "i'm sorry" I ignored him and he stared at me. I knew that if i looked up i'd get sucked into his eyes that were so magnetizing so i kept my gaze on the floor. "I really messed this up, huh?"

I looked up now and he smiled at me. "Yes" i said and looked at the wall behind him. "But you should know that I was choosing Damon anyway" I whispered and he recoiled in shock and hurt. I looked down again and he ran a hand through his hair and took deep breaths.


"If we got caught-"

"So it was nothing i did?" He asked and i shook my head. He tipped my head up to look at him and i avoided eye contact.

"If we got caught and you lost your job, you loose everything and not just your job but the life you built.. And for you to face your dad after that.." The tears started free falling now and i wiped them away. "I uhm.. Should go" I said and hopped off the desk. He caught my wrist and stopped me and i wiped my tears and turned around.

"You weren't going to choose me because you thought I cared what my dad thought?" He asked "Yeah i made this life to impress him but to be willing to risk it for you means something Rachel.." I looked up at his face and melted.

"I'm sorry"

"Why?" He smiled slightly and i shrugged.

"I just wanted to make it better" I laughed through my tears and he pulled me to his chest.

"I'm sorry for getting jelous over Hayden and for not coming after you, I should have never let you go" He whispered and i pulled away frowning.

"God you sound as though we were dating forever. I mean one lousy day and we argued! Don't say stuff like that, don't risk everything for me! I'm nothing. You're literally perfection, you could have any girl whether it's Melissa, Miss Hills.. You even had me! You could have anyone so why, why, why would you ever want me?" I finished and he had wide eyes and i was standing at least five ft away. I turned around and walked away quicly and he caught my wrist and pinned me to the wall with his body.

"I want you because you're beautiful and the only girl i've ever had stay with me, You're the only person in this world that i trust and have told you about Callum, you're so so beautiful and i know i've already said that but it's so true. When we kiss i feel like i've never felt before and you're the only woman i've ever, in my whole life, wanted to be with in a relationship" He looked down at my lips and sighed. "I like you Rachel, and i've never liked someone before"

I wiped the fresh tears from my face looked up at him.

"You can't tell me that you don't feel the same" He whispered anD I looked away as my lip trembled.

"How i feel doesn't matter any more. I'm with Damon" I managed to choke out and right on time my phone rang. He sighed and pushed away from me as i answered the phone shakily.

"Rachel... You know when we kissed and it was kind of just a spur of the moment thing?"


"Well are we together or is this break still happening" I held up two fingers to Collin and stepped outside the classroom.

"Damon I think we should take this slow, I mean you... We rushed things last time"

"I know i'm sorry" he sighed. "So we're friends that kiss, for now?"

"Perfect" I smiled and hung up then walked back into the classrroom.

"Well?" he asked and i threw my phone on the floor exasperated.

"I really don't like this Collin, you're stressing me out" I said and he smiled and picked up my phone and handed me it.

"What did he say?"

"He was confirming the title of our relationship.." I trailed off. "And i told him that we'll take this slow, and he said that we were just friends who kiss"

Collin smiled brightly and tried to come closer but i held up my hands.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I asked and he stepped back. "I'm going home, i really need to think things through" I took my bag and left him in the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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