Chapter nine- The Beginning of the end

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I walked around absently through the school, there were no people out and there was no where to go. Letting out a huge breath i though about going home, wait how am i to get in if Mr Carter has the key? Dylan and Chantelle are in english now, i skipped. I don't know why or what made me do it but i couldn't face him yet, and now i'm going to have to. Because i'm going to have to go get the key. I groaned and the bell rang over head signalling the end of the school day. I turned on my heel and pushed through the dense crowd of students that were heading towards me and towards the exit. I finally reached his door and walked in without knocking, nobody was there so i sat on the desk and waiting, swinging my legs absently. There was a noise from the door, a small thud and then laughing. A woman. The door handle dropped suddenly an the door slowly opened. Mr Carter stumbled in laughing and had his arm around one of the music teachers petite waist. Her name was mrs... Mrs...

"Rachel?" Mr Carter paused in at the door and mrs.. The woman straightened up and sent me a smile. I looked at his arm around her waist and tried to register my emotions. I could only feel angry, but not at her, at him. He was obviously a player.

"Mr Carter" i smiled back at him and he stared at me confused.

"One of your many admirers i presume?"the woman looked me over and a snort escaped mine and mr Carters' lips.

"He wishes" i threw at her and she glared at me. "I'm a student, last time i cheched that was il-eg-al" i spelt it out for her and she gave me a really dirty looked before throwing her hair over her shoulder. "Okay then, and Collin talk to you whenever, okay" he nodded and gave her a smile before she left.

"What's up?" He asked me looking concerned. I blushed and frowned slightly. What was i here for again?

"Oh yeah" i smiled. "I need your key, or A key"

"Right okay" he nodded and watched me expectantly. I stood up and walked over to him and held out my hand but he didn't give me it.


"You didn't show up for my lesson" he began and his voice became soft and caring "why is that?"

I searched his face and blushed when he did the same to me, his eyebrows were drawn together and he was waiting for me to answer.

"It's bad enough that i have to live with you" i rolled my eyes playfully but he wasn't convinced. "Why? Did you miss me?" I smirked and his expression lifted and he smiled.

"Yes but that's not an answer" i blanched. What? He isn't supposed to say yes. I broke eye contact and looked at his desk. There next to a pile of papers, a key sat glinting, waiting to be picked up. Oh home, how i longed to be home. "I mean who wouldn't miss your smart mouth" mr Carter smirked obviously catching on to what he had said. I sat back on the desk and smiled sorrowfully.

"A lot of people. Can i have the keys now please?" I smiled innocently and he walked over to his desk and picked them up.

"Need a ride?" He winked at me and i blushed and nodded trying to hide it. He smirked and i knew that he noticed. I wanted to hit myself. We walked to his car in silence and i got in first. He slid in the drivers side and looked down the side of his chair looking for something. "Check down there and see if there's sunglasses, and if not check the glove department"

I slid my hand down the side of the chair and couldn't feel any sunglasses so i opened the glove department. A few cd's fell out onto my lap and i picked them up and put them back in. Ahaa! Sunglasses. I grabbed them and closed the glove department before sliding them on and looking in the small mirror. Mr Carter laughed and started the car. "Can i have the glasses?" I tapped my chin in thought and smirked.

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