Chapter nineteen- Choices

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, i noticed Mr Carter's and my hands were still locked together and smiled, i took my hand from his and left the room quietly so not to wake him. I could smell the food being cooked from up the stairs and when i got down my mum was reading the news paper and drinking tea. She looked up when i came in.

"Morning" She piped and i smiled at her.

"Good morning, What's cooking?"

"Simon's making us all a fry up" She smiled at me and i sat down and turned the tv over, my mum went back to reading her newpaper. Footsteps on the stairs made me worry slightly, this will be so awkward... Collin walked in wearing jeans and a shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, he smiled at me when he walked in and i looked away blushing slightly. My mum looked up at him.

"Collin, good morning!" She beamed and he sat next to me.

"Good morning Linda, Rachel" He grinned and i forced a smile at him, i'm making this more awkward than it should be but i couldn't help it. It's just me.

"I hope it wasn't awkward or anyhting that you two had to share a room" My mum sounded apologetic and my face flared when Mr Carter snickered.

"No, no Linda! not at all. We get along really well" He asured my mum and she smiled and nodded.

"Then you guys don't mind sharing for the rest of your stay then?"

I was about to appose when Collin cut in.. "That's perfect don't worry." I glared at him and he just smiled back innocently which had me smiling too.

Breakfast came around and Simon had to rush to work. "Mum are you working today?" I asked and she looked up from her plate and searched my face before nodding slowly. I smiled. "okay, when?"

"I'm going to get ready after i eat this... I'm sure you two can find something to do while i'm gone" Collin snickered again and I kicked him under the table.

"Ofcourse mum, have fun at work"I told her and she finished her breakfast and went up stairs. I glared at Collin and he looked at me with a smile.

"what?" He asked and i tried my hardest to keep a striaght face.

"Grow up" i mumbled and looked away to try and hide my smile. He laughed and came and sat on the chair next to me and looked at his hand on the table.

"Soo.. did you think about what i asked you yesterday?" He asked and looked up at me when i didn't answer, I nodded. His smile grew and he leaned closer to my mouth. "And..." He prompted his eyes going from my eyes to my lips. I wanted to kiss him. I nodded again hesitantly and his smile bacame a full out grin. He pulled away and i pouted slightly. He was grinning like mad and it was contagious.

"Collin are you okay?" I giggled and he nodded and grabbed my hands, he pulled me into the living room and picked me up, he started spinning me around and i squeeled and gripped his shoulders while giggling. He put me down and smiled at me.

"Your mine" he growled and kissed me hard, smashing his lips to mine and coaxing an immediate reaction out of me, I smiled against his lips and we kissed passionatley. His touch still sent shivers down my spine and shot electricity through my veins. He pulled back and put his head on my shoulder as we swayed to the music from the tv, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist.

"Now we won't be lieing to your parents" I realised out loud and he chuckled.

"no we won't... And we'll be convincing. My dad really likes you. He never likes anyone, feel special"

"oh i do" I grinned. He spun me around the living room when my phone started ringing. I apologised and skipped over to answer it.

"hello!" I chirped.

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