chapter thirteen- Stupid

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i took my usual seat up the back of homeroom and sighed as i dropped my head onto the desk. My friends followed and sat around me, noone making a noise. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, it was full of tension. The rest of our class piled in noisily and it felt detached from us, all of us lost in our own thoughts.

"Lets not make today stressful" Hayden piped quietly and i lifted my head and looked at him. Chantelle looked as if she was deciding whether to glare or smile at him and finally just gave up and looked elsewhere. I smiled at her and she returned it and agreed with Hayden.

"Yeah, we should have fun today" Chantelle said.

"What, you guys don't think slapping someone in front of the whole school was fun? I've never hit someone before!!" Mia was glowing with excitement and had a huge smile on her face. We all snickered at her comment and she blushed and settled down. I gave her a sympethetic look and patted her back.

"awh is Mia embarrased?" I cooed and Chantelle grabbed her cheeks.

"Me thinks so too" She giggled and Amelia swatted us away pouting slightly and trying to hold on her laughter. Hayden shook his head at us all and then walked over to a group of boys that were shouting on him.

"Thank you" I said to Chantelle when he was out of earshot. She frowned at me so i added "For not biting his head off" I nodded towards Hayden and she smiled and nodded. Amelia was staring at the front frowning slightly so i followed her gaze and sighed, She was staring at mr Carter but not for the usual reasons but because he was flirting with that teacher from the other day."Whats her name?" I asked the others and Chantelle looked at them with us.

"Miss Hill" Amelia answered for me looking a little jelous.

"Mia you don't have a little crush on mr Carter?" I asked and she blushed bright red. Chantelle didn't laugh this time and i looked at her shocked. "Channy do you?" i gaped and her head snapped round to me.

"No!" She spat "I don't even like him Rach" she gave me a look that screamed at me that i knew the reason but i didn't so i dropped it.

"He's been looking up here alot" Amiala commented and i ignored her and the strange feeling in my stomach i got at the thought of him looking up here at me. I told myself that was silly and the bell rang overhead. We made our way to maths and I sat down. Mrs Darcy gave the work out but my mind was elsewhere.

How dare he stand there and flirt with that woman, Miss Hills, when he has Lucy! I mean i've been cheated on and it's no walk in the park. It's horrible and i'm going to be keeping an eye on him. If he so much as looks at that woman again i will be having a word-

"Rachel!" mrs Darcy yelled and i jumped.


"I've asked you three times now, i won't ask you again" She told me sternly and i frowned and looked at the class. They were all looking at me amused and my face burned red. I looked back at the teacher and the confusion on my face set her off. "You have detention after school! Miss Winters i thought you were an intelligent young women, how wrong i was" I got angry at this. Mrs Darcy is usually so layed back and fun, i loved her. What happened.

"I'm sorry are you calling me stupid?" I asked her and her eyes widened as did mine. I have never spoken back to her, I haven't really spoken back to many teachers.

"I didn't say that"

"You implied it" I said and pushed up out of my chair. "Miss i'm sorry that i didn't hear you ask me a question i was a little distracted okay? it won't happen again, but me being distracted doesn't mean that i can't do the work. Don't ever call me stupid again" I finished my rant and was immediatly affraid of what she would do. The class hung on to everyword and we all stared at the teacher as one and waited for the inevitable reaction. She slowly placed her white board pen on the desk and tore her eyes down taking deep breaths.

"Miss Winters... Are you threatening me?" She whispered in pure anger that it chilled me to the bone, I held my breath and her eye contact and slowly sat down.

"no miss" i mumbled and got on with my work. Mrs Darcy didn't speak to me again that lesson.When i got outside Chantelle caught up to me and frowned.

"y'okay?" She asked and i just nodded, she dropped it immediatly. We got to english and i sat down not making eye contact with the blue eyes that were burning a hole in my face.

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