Character Info: Akai Bara

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Name: Akai Bara

Skin Tone: Pure white with Shade accents from her forearms down to her hands ( which are more like claws) as well from below her knees to her feet.

Race: Half Shade ( born to Shade and Replicant )

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Yellow with black sclera and a black geometric design in her iris resembling her namesake flower.

Age: 1317 ( 17 in appearance)

Hair Style: Straight, down to thighs ( Worn in a bun at the back of her head on campus or in a ponytail during track)

Hair color: Blood Red with black roots

Style of dress ( off campus): Black off the shoulder crop top with ¾ sleeves, black leggings rolled up to just below her knees, black open toe ( platform) high heels, black rose shaped purse with a magnetic clip on the back. Gold chain necklace with red rose shaped jewel, Black choker with geometric design. Red rose stud earrings.

Style of dress ( on campus): Black long sleeve shirt underneath silver blazer with gold geometric accents, black pleated skirt that goes to her thighs, gold above the knee stockings with silver geometric accents, black ankle boots with the tops folded over revealing the dark gray lining and inside. Gold chain necklace with red rose shaped jewel. Black choker with geometric design, Silver gloves that cover her claws, Black sunglasses, Gold hair tie that holds her hair in a bun at the back of her head. Red rose stud earrings.

Style of dress ( track team): Silver tank top with " Private Replicant High School Track Team '' in gold on the back, gold track shorts, silver armbands and stockings ( that completely cover her Shade accents), gold tennis shoes with silver laces, Silver gloves that cover her claws, Black sunglasses, Gold chain necklace with red rose shaped jewel, Black choker with geometric design. Gold hair tie that holds her hair in a ponytail. Red rose stud earrings.

Most Memorable Feature(s): Fangs instead of teeth, Claws

Personality: Akai is very studious and obsesses over her grades ( especially chemistry). She is devoted to her extracurriculars. She does know how to have fun however. Because of her Half Shade heritage she has trouble working with people but is completely fine working alone. Has trouble understanding emotions but during those few times she does she is willing to help. Has a cold attitude towards everyone but her friends. Has self worth issues stemming from her Shade heritage.

Strengths: Physical strength, Fast Runner, Flexible, Intelligent

Weaknesses: Can't control anger

School: Private Replicant High School

Class: Senior

Advisor: Tyrann Masayoshi

Favorite subject: Chemistry

Extracurriculars: Part of the track and academic teams at school ( Considering cheerleading)

Backstory: As the daughter of a Replicant and a Shade, Akai grew up mostly isolated and was homeschooled until her freshman year of high school where she met her friends Mya Kirk, Ivy Thornton and Isamu Arakawa. Because she is Half Shade they assigned the only Shade ( as far as I'm aware) at the school to be her advisor. She is the favorite student of the " most terrifying person on campus " as they're both Shades and old friends.

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