chapter 19: the end of an era

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Lucy's POV:

I clutched the bloodied bandage I used as a grip for Tom's old copper pole in my hand, my heart pounding in my chest. The moment had come for us to infiltrate the feared Dead-shot Syndicate's stronghold, where Skyla, the reason Tom's left us, resided. Jace stood by my side, his eyes filled with determination, as we prepared to confront the source of our torment. We crept through the decaying corridors, our footsteps muffled by the echoes of our fears. The air reeked of death and decay, a chilling reminder of the world we now inhabited. Our mission was simple yet perilous: find Skyla, eliminate her, and obtain any information or resources that could aid us in our quest for a cure.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as we reached the chamber where Skyla conducted her twisted experiments on Tom and the others. The room was dimly lit, with flickering fluorescent lights casting eerie shadows on the grimy walls. Broken vials and discarded lab equipment littered the floor, a testament to the horrors that had unfolded within these walls. There she was, Skyla, dressed in all black tight clothing, leaning over a table strewn with notes and vials with a wine glass in her hand and a gun in the other. I felt a surge of anger and determination rise within me as I recalled the suffering caused by her creation. This had to end here and now.

With a silent nod to Jace, we sprang into action. I rushed forward, weapon raised high, while Jace swiftly moved to flank Skyla. My heart pounded in my ears as I swung the weapon down, connecting with a resounding thud against Skyla's arm. She cried out in pain, her face contorted with fury and surprise. "Lucy! Jace! You dare defy me?" Skyla's voice dripped with venom as she clutched her injured, bleeding arm. Jace bows down to Skyla with a smirk. "Hello, my queen." Skyla stares and I soon appear from the second door. "Missed us, Sky?" I say before can shoot back before she could get any words out. Skyla's face pales and she starts to shake. "How- how did you find us?" She whispers, enraged. "We have our ways," Jace replies with a wink and a smile. "Sadly you won't be around to find out though, pretty girl," he continued. 

I glare at Skyla, stepping forward and gripping the pole so tight that my knuckles turn white. "We've had enough of your tyranny," I spat, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. "The world doesn't deserve the horrors you've unleashed." Skyla looks at us, dumbfounded and Jace turns his mini chainsaw on using his teeth, not looking away from Skyla, and I spin the copper pole in my hand and crack my neck. Jace slowly walked forward with a smirk, his eyes blazing with a fire of vengeance. "It ends here, Skyla. Your reign of terror stops now." We fought with all our strength, our bodies driven by the need to survive and put an end to the suffering that had plagued our lives. Skyla's resistance was fierce, but our determination proved stronger. Blow after blow landed, as we fought with every ounce of energy left within us.

Finally, a moment of opportunity presented itself. I saw a glimmer of weakness in Skyla's eyes, a split-second hesitation that allowed Jace to deliver a devastating blow with his mini chainsaw. Skyla crumpled to the ground, defeated and lifeless, her face mutilated beyond recognition. Breathing heavily, we exchanged a triumphant glance, the weight of our victory mingled with the heaviness of the world we had come to know. But our mission wasn't over yet. We needed to escape and continue our quest for a cure. As we turned to leave the chamber, a gut-wrenching sound pierced the air. Skyla turned on Tom's rage serum for one last time, and now here he was, pounding on the fortified door with his machetes, shouting at us and calling us traitors. Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled with conflicting emotions. "Lucy, the window," Jace said, pointing to it, "We need to leave him, we don't know how much Skyla injected into the bitch." I stare at Jace, then at the enraged Tom behind the glass. I couldn't abandon him, but we had a chance to save countless lives if we succeeded in finding a cure.

"Jace," I pleaded, my voice choked with emotion, "you have to hold him off. Give me time to find what we need." Jace nodded, his expression filled with understanding and determination. "Go, Lucy. Save us all. I'll do whatever it takes to keep Tom at bay." With a heavy heart, I rushed through the labyrinthine halls, guided by the flickering light from Skyla's very smashed phone, running through and killing her henchmen when needed. I run into a full metal room filled with cabinets and search endlessly until I saw it. A withered away document, saying 'Rage serum cure'. Gotcha now. 

I stare down at the parchment and half of it is messy, smudged handwriting, luckily, Tom's handwriting from when we were back in school was messier, so this was nothing to me. As I frantically work in the lab, my heart races with a mix of fear and determination. Jace valiantly tries to hold Tom back, but I know we can't rely on strength alone. The instructions for creating the cure are right here in the lab, and I must follow them precisely. With trembling hands, I gather the necessary ingredients, my mind focused on the task at hand. Time feels like it's slipping away as the sound of Tom's enraged screams fills the air. I can't afford to make any mistakes. Mixing the components, I carefully follow the instructions step by step. Each measurement, and each ingredient, must be precise for the cure to be effective. I can feel the weight of responsibility resting on my shoulders as I work tirelessly.

As the antidote takes shape before my eyes, a glimmer of hope arises within me. I know this is our only chance to bring Tom back to sanity. I must succeed; I can't let him succumb to the rage that now consumes him. Finally, the cure is complete, and I hold it in my trembling hands. Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for what comes next. I need to administer it to Tom and hope that it works, that it can reverse the effects of the serum and save him from this dark path. I search around and found a tranquiliser gun, and I place the antidote within the chamber. I now realise I have one chance to shoot this, and I've never touched a gun in my life. I put water into another gun and practice until I get three good shots against a dummy in a row. It takes two minutes but I did it. Three perfect shots in the neck. Just what we needed. I pick up the tranquiliser gun with the antidote and I approach the fortified door cautiously, where Jace is still struggling to keep Tom at bay. Our eyes meet, and I see the worry and determination in Jace's gaze. With a nod of understanding, he loosens his grip, allowing me to enter.

As I step into the chaos, the sound of Tom's enraged cries intensifies. But I push through the fear, my love for him driving me forward. I approach him slowly, holding the cure in my outstretched hand, praying that it will bring him back to me. "Tom," I whisper, my voice trembling with emotion. "Please don't hurt me after this." His eyes, filled with anger and confusion, meet mine. For a brief moment, I hesitate, and then the rage comes back. I scream and back up, I hear Jace shouting at me through the door, but I don't retreat. I hide behind a broken door and wait. I've read The Hunger Games a good few times to know when someone is near. Never thought I'd be having a showdown with my boyfriend, however. Then it happens. I hear them. His footsteps. I look through the broken parts of the door and I see Tom. My heart skips a beat as it does when I always see him, but I had to push it aside. Time stands still as we wait, holding our breath. I shoot the tranquiliser and it hits Tom directly where I wanted it. He stops and we all go quiet, the only noises I could hear were my heartbeat, and Tom's sharp breathing. And then, slowly, the tension in Tom's body eases. His eyes lose their wildness, and a sense of clarity returns. The cure has worked.

As Tom stands before me, now away and free from not only the rage serum's grasp but Skyla's manipulation too, a mixture of relief and overwhelming love washes over me. I can hardly believe that we've made it through this hell together. Taking a moment to gather my emotions, I lock eyes with him, a smile breaking across my face. "Tom," I say, my voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and tenderness. "I'm so glad you're back. I was terrified of losing you." He reaches out, cupping my face in his hands, and brushes his thumb gently against my cheek. "Lucy," he whispers, his voice filled with equal parts relief and adoration. "I would never leave you. You mean everything to me." At that moment, the weight of everything we've been through lifts, and all that remains is the deep connection we share. Time seems to stand still as we lean in, our lips meeting in a soft, tender kiss. It's a bittersweet moment, knowing how close we came to losing each other but also filled with a renewed appreciation for the love we have.

As we pull away, a sense of contentment settles over us, and we hold each other tightly. But just as we're lost in our embrace, Jace's sarcastic voice cuts through the air. "Well, well, well, look who's done with their little lovey-dovey moment," Jace remarks, a smirk playing on their lips. "Glad to see you've returned from your rage-induced vacation, Tom." Tom rolls his eyes, his irritation evident. "Thanks for the warm welcome, Jace. It's good to be back, in case you were wondering." I can't help but laugh at their banter, grateful for Jace's presence and their ability to inject humour into even the most intense situations. With Tom and Jace by my side, I feel an unshakable sense of strength and friendship. As Jace joins us, the three of us stand there, a united front against whatever challenges may come our way. In this moment, I know that together, we can face anything that lies ahead and that our bond will only grow stronger as we navigate the twists and turns of life.

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