Six- Do You Trust Me?

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***just a little side note that this won't be timeline accurate to the books! I know this chapter is long but baby I promise it's worth it.... Enjoy❤️***

After everything that happened between you and Professor Snape in his office, he dismissed you for the remainder of the day as he said he had a few matters he needed to tend to-- and told you to meet him in the library at midnight when he knew no one would be around.

You spent the rest of the day in a haze of shock, shock that this is your life now-- a failed student who is having sexual relations with their Professor who also secretly forced them into becoming a Death Eater, and openly admitted to wanting to engage in a threesome with your ex-best friends dad, who also happens to be a part leader of the Death Eaters and another extremely powerful wizard. Your head was spinning, thinking of the insanity regarding this situation, but the better half of you was intrigued, and was not looking to put a stop to any of it.

The only real issue you had with this entire situation was the Death Eater part-- you couldn't understand why anyone would want to be one, why anyone would want to take part or support Voldemort in any way. You knew it had something to do with the need for power, the need to take over, to rid the world of anything other than pureblood-- and it just didn't sit right with you, this whole thing was beyond terrifying, and the only thing keeping you from spiraling into a full-out anxiety attack was Professor Snape's words from the other night. "I'm trying to help you," he'd said. "Always." he'd said.

As the night crept in, the clouds turned dark, thunder rumbling through the warm early-autumn air, sending deep vibrations through the sturdy walls of the castle as you made your way to the library-- the fresh night air blowing through your hair. The crisp smell of rain filled your nostrils and brought a calming presence over you.

However, as calm as you were--you were also nervous--nervous to know what he wanted to discuss with you, and why he wanted to meet you at the library so late at night. There was a feeling in your chest that you couldn't explain, something just not sitting right in your stomach, and as you rounded the corner into the main isle of the library, the feeling intensified as you immediately spotted Professor Snape's dark shadow, illuminated briefly by the bright cracks of lightning shining through the windows.

You slowly began making your way toward him, and he met your gaze, his dark, menacing eyes ridding the breath from your lungs with only a simple glance. That's one thing you don't think you will ever get used to, the way his stare possesses you, the way it intoxicates your body with ease--forcing your brain to blindly obey his every command, destroying any shred of defiance you ever might have possessed.

As your feet brought you in front of him, your body tensed with nerves. "Professor,"

His eyes dipped over you, his face expressionless, remaining silent for a painfully long moment.

"You said you couldn't trust me," he said. "And I don't blame you, but I want to try to change that." Thunder groaned, vibrating the books on the shelves around you.

"Okay," you said, your eyes narrowing slightly. "Why are we here?"

He exhaled through his nose. "Because I want to show you something."

The thumping of the rain against the large glass windows grew louder, and you glanced between him and the empty isles around you. Without another word, he pressed on one of the books on the shelf, causing the entire wall to shift--revealing a small room. He glanced at you, raising an eyebrow as he held the entrance open, gesturing for you to step in first.

Reluctantly, you did.

The room was crowded--as small as a storage closet, with a Pensieve sitting in the dead center of the room, a small cart with dozens upon dozens of small glass vials seated next to it. You shifted back to face Professor Snape, his dark eyes full of an unfamiliar emotion as he eased the door shut behind him, darkness consuming the room until he pulled out his wand, using Lumos to light up the small, intimate space.

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