Twenty Two- Everything To Me

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You shot Lucius a glance, his expressions now flat and swarmed with unmissable, nervous tension. You swallowed, peeling yourself off of him and reluctantly heading toward the door, following Severus as he led you down the hall and to the dining room, meeting the eyes of Draco, Blake, James, Andrew, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Voldemort, all of their attention shifting onto you as the three of you entered the room.

"Ah...finally, we are all here..." Voldemort hissed, slinking up toward the front of the room and gesturing for you to follow. "All of my little recruits, please join me up here...form a nice line for me, if you will..."

Obeying his commands, you planted yourself in front of him at the head of the room, legs trembling nervously as Draco took a spot next to you, Andrew taking the other. Severus took a seat at the edge of the table, directly in front of you, with Lucius beside him--the two men peering at you intently, the heat of a thousand eyes smouldering your flesh. Everyone in the room looked utterly exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Especially Bellatrix, who didn't once peel her sight from Severus--her eyes were dark and her face was grim, you couldn't deny that she looked like complete shit. And that was you trying to be nice.

After a silent moment, Voldemort hummed as you all stood, anxiously awaiting his voice once more, each of you beyond ready to get this whole thing over with.

"This is a big moment for you all...I apologize that I couldn't make it more special...that I didn't have the chance to invite all of my remaining followers, and put on a big show...but times have become drastic, and we must act..." his voice sent your nerves into overdrive, every hair on the back of your neck standing on end. "All of your duels went well...I am very pleased...the only one who slightly disappointed me has been made aware of this...and I will handle things with you at a later date...but for now, I will brand you all each my all deserve it. Be grateful for this beloved opportunity to make a great difference in the world."

You swallowed, fingers trembling at your sides as Voldemorts gaze trickled down the line, before it fell on you, his lips teasing a malicious smirk as he gestured for you to come forward.

"Little witch...I'd like to start with you." He said, instantly freezing the blood in your veins. Every bone in your body stalled, you simply couldn't move, and sensing this, he tilted his head, growing impatient. "Come...come."

Draco shot you a worrisome look, and you blinked, swallowing the bile that had made its way up your throat. You took a few steps forward, bringing yourself in front of him, catching Severus's deep, intense eyes as you did.

Voldemort said your name, and you shot your eyes back to meet his. Time seemingly halting in place. "Oh, little witch..." he sneered, taking a step closer. "I've had my doubts about which, if I'm being truthful, have not changed much...I still feel the resentment you possess...the loyalty you still seem to be absentmindedly giving Severus..."

Your stomach dropped to the floor, your organs twisting and screaming in fear as you shook your head. " Lord...I..."

"Don't." He snapped, taking a step around you, circling you like a wolf hunts it's prey. "You'll have your opportunity to prove yourself to me...for now, you can answer my you solemnly swear you will be loyal to me, and only me?"

Throat dryer than the desert, you nodded. "I do, My Lord."

"Do you solemnly swear you are devoted to me, and will remain devoted to me until my plans are fulfilled?"

He continued to circle you, stepping around to the other side of your body now, your eyes meeting Severus's once more--his knuckles turning pale with how hard he was clenching his hands into fists. You nodded again. "I do, My Lord."

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