Tweleve- Forbidden Forest

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"You're not focusing."

You huffed, precipitation lining your forehead. "I am focusing."

"You're not." He retorted, taking a step toward you. "Don't lie to me--I'm inside your head."

"Then get out." You groaned, turning around to face him. "You're distracting."

He huffed, taking a seat at the desk next to where you were standing and resting his head in his hands, fingers rubbing pressured circles into his temples. You frowned, eyes darting around to find the clock, heart sinking into your feet as you realized you have been at this for almost three hours, to no avail.

You slumped into the chair next to him, brushing your hair back from your forehead. "It's no use." You whispered. "I'm helpless."

He exhaled a sharp breath. "You will get it. I know you will."

You dropped your head into your hands, wracking your brain for ways you could successfully get yourself out of this situation. Maybe you could accidentally trip and fall down the stairs, hopeful to avoid literally killing yourself and be able to walk away with only a few broken limbs--because surely Voldemort wouldn't expect you to continue with this training if you had two broken legs, would he?

"Yes, he would." Professor Snape said flatly, head still resting in his hands.

You groaned, slinking lower in the chair and throwing your head back, staring up at the ceiling as the groan transitioned into an annoyed whine. "Come on Professor--there has to be something." With your brows furrowed, you thought of as many different possibilities as possible, until it came to you--your eyes lighting up as the lightbulb blinked in your brain.

You sat up, turning your body in the chair to face him. "What if...what if you used Imperio on me? You could control me while around him, make me do anything...with no fear."

Professor Snape lifted his head from his hands, turning to face you. "Are you mad?" He said, eyes wide. "Absolutely not."

"But why not?" You whined. "It wouldn't hurt me, you said it yourself that the Imperius curse is a pleasant experience--one that places the victim in a calm state where all anxiety and feeling of responsibility are banished."

You placed your hand on his arm, fingers gently gripping the fabric of his black robes. "No one would know. I'd act and function the exact same as I always would--the only change is that I would be unquestionably obedient to you, completely under your command."

Professor Snape swallowed, his adams apple shifting  uncomfortably in his throat as he contemplated you for a moment, contemplating your words. He was tense under your touch, his chest slowly rising and falling as he sat silent, eyes boring into your flesh. "You'd consider that a change?" He said. "You already do exactly that."

You blinked, frustrated at his dismissive response, frustrated that he doesn't agree with how perfect of a plan this was. "Professor...the curse provides the victims with whatever skills are needed to complete what is asked of them...I can't believe you don't see how great of an idea this is."

He shifted, ripping his arm from under your grip. "I don't need to put you under a spell to have you obeying my every command." His eyes dipped down to your lips, wetting his own as he stared, the oxygen in the room slowly diminishing. "We both know that I can make you submit to me by just looking at you..."

His fingers softly landed on your knee, slowly ghosting their way up your thigh as he held your stare, his irises smouldering with a devilish arrogance. You swallowed, lust thickening your throat, the familiar feeling of desire growing in your stomach as he leaned in closer.

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