Fourteen- A Little Bit More

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"Where is she, Severus?"

"You think I track her every movement?"

You blinked, eyes slowly peeling open, brows furrowing as you tried to regain sense of where the hell you were. However, once your eyes met the large window in front of you, it all came flooding back--you had no idea why, but each time you woke up here, you almost couldn't believe where you were. It was almost as though you were still dreaming, and this was just a figment of your lucid imagination...because there's no way in any form of reality that you had actually just spent the night in your Professors bed, while his arms were tightly wrapped around you, holding you--soothing you to sleep.

You truly couldn't believe the way things were progressing with your Professor, the completely stern and cold man you once knew was slowly being replaced by a far more gentle and almost--dare you say it, affection man--and it was turning your heart into nothing more than a mere puddle in your chest, thinking about the look in his eyes when he noticed you were hurt, his stern yet gentle touch as he helped you into the bath, the way he healed you--the way he eased your pain. It was all too much--all too much to process, all too much understand.

And you knew you were falling, you knew you were cascading into forbidden, unfamiliar terrain--you'd never felt the way for anyone, the way you now feel for your Professor. But as you heard voices from the other room, that feeling was quickly replaced by a nervous chatter, deep within your bones.

A man chuckled--a deep, vindictive rumble rolling throughout your Professors chambers. "Don't play me for a fool..."

You heard footsteps, sophisticated dress shoes clicking on the floor with each step, echoing through the walls. You also heard another noise, a clanking of sorts--and your head began to spin, the weight of your chest threatening to suffocate you whole as you realized that there was really only one man this voice could belong to.

"...I know she's close, I can hear her thinking about you."

Your heart stalled, lungs collapsing in on themselves. You silently cursed yourself, every bone in your body quivering as you tried to decide what you were going to do next. You shot your eyes around the room, anxiously looking for anything--anything at all that could spark an idea in your brain, and then your eyes landed on your bag from the first night you slept here, sitting on the floor in the corner.

You jumped up and out of bed, thanking the moon and the stars that you had packed some extra clothes inside, because after your Professor had cut your sweater off last night, you had practically nothing to wear. You ripped open the bag, pulling out a green cotton sweatshirt and a plaid skirt--quickly throwing them on before moving to the bathroom and tossing on your shoes and socks.

You snuck a glance of yourself in the mirror, and you were slightly horrified by your appearance--your hair was utterly disheveled and your eyes looked tired--but you couldn't deny that your skin was glowing, glowing in a way that you'd never seen before--as though the proof of your contentment was seeping through your skin, as though the flames in your veins were shining through your flesh, radiating the unmissable heat that your Professor caused within you every time he merely looked at you.

Once you had fixed your hair and were fully dressed, you quickly walked out of the bathroom and down the hall toward the main room, keeping your mind blank as you came face to face with a fully dressed Professor Snape--leaning on the edge of his desk, speaking to none other than Mr. Malfoy himself. His expression was stoic, emotionless, and if he was surprised by the fact you had just willingly made yourself seen, his face would never show it.

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