Sixteen- Come Closer

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The 'ceremony' consisted of you, Andrew, Draco, and the other two boys standing side by side, shoulders practically touching, anxiously awaiting instruction from the Dark Lord as he paced the empty space in front of your bodies.

Your eyes followed him, his sickly hands crossed behind his back, long fingers snaked around his wand. You swallowed, unable to comprehend the fact that you were standing here, that this was your life now. You thought back to recent months, to everything that has happened in your life within that span of time to bring you to this very moment, standing alongside other recruits you hardly knew, all anxiously watching and waiting as the Dark Lord contemplated his words.

And after what felt like forever, he stopped. Turning to face the row of you, his voice a sociopathic whisper in the air. "This is the initial ceremony...your initiation if you will..." he paused, resuming his pacing, eyes focused on the floor. "As I said have all been chosen all possess grave importance in my plans...all carry incentivizing purpose..."

You glanced around the room, all of the Death Eaters still seated at the table, most of their eyes planted on their hands in their laps. As you continued to gaze around, you locked eyes with Severus, who hadn't once peeled his dark eyes from your face. You wondered if he's even blinked.

"In the coming weeks...operations will be developing...advancing...and I will need your assistance...your full loyalty--total devotion." You swallowed. There's that word again, loyalty.

"Therefore, I have no choice but to initiate the five of you much quicker than I typically would...usually there would be time for you to prove yourselves to me, to show me with complete certainty that you are giving yourselves to my rein..."

You didn't like the sound of this, your stomach churning, sweat pooling against the fabric on your back. You shifted uncomfortably on the balls of your feet, wishing with every fibre of your being that you could just disappear--could just run, far, far away.

Voldemort halted his pacing once more, planting himself directly in front of you, scrutinizing you with his stare. You tensed, dropping your vision to the floor, the heat of a thousand eyes boring into your skin. "But since time is of the essence...we will be doing things a little bit different..."

He tilted his head, eyes tracing over your face, down your neck, across your shoulders, before he resumed his pacing once more. "You will be required to duel a Death Eater of my aren't necessarily expected to win...and of course you will not be fighting to the death...but you will be expected to hold your afflict a considerable amount of damage..." each loud click of his shoes against the floor ground your nerves to stubs, your body trembling at his words. "If you are unable to hold your will be rendered utterly useless to me...and I will simply dispose of you, in whichever way I desire..."

Your heart stopped, chest seizing in pain. "That is the first part of this initiation...should you pass that test, should you prove yourself to will then be branded with my mark...the Dark will then be able to make yourselves mine..." oxygen splintered, everything around you fading to black at his words.

That's what Severus's mark on his arm was about.

"Due to the urgency of my will all be staying here...and the duels will take place one by one, starting have all been assigned a room, get a restful night sleep and prepare yourselves for tomorrow...your lives depend on it..." he turned his back to you, looking out at the sea of his followers, eyes slowly glancing over the room.

"To the rest of you...those who are staying here are already aware of that fact...everyone else may go home, return to me when I call...I'm very pleased in your presence...your are dismissed...go rest with the knowledge you have done well...that you have pleased me today..."

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