Chapter 6: It's Us or Them... Part 1

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"Mario...Where are you...?" Luigi had searched the whole house, no sign of Mario.

He tried to call Mario...No Answer
Smg4...No Answer
Smg3...No Answer
Neg4...No Answer

"Hello?" Meggy's voice came through the phone

"Meggy! Thank goodness someone picked up!"

"What's wrong Luigi? We're all meeting at the Castle, Aren't we?"

"Well...Yes...But have you seen Mario at all this morning?"

Meggy shook her head on her end "No, With 3 and the 4's at the Castle, I'd imagine he'd be there already, Have you tried calling him"

"Mhm" Luigi nods on his end "AND 4, AND 3, AND Neg4! Nothing from any of them..."

"Hey relax, maybe they're all already doing who knows what? Let's just head to the Castle and see them, I'm sure they're already their" Meggy assures him

"Okay, I'll meet you there"

They both hung up and Luigi made his way to the Castle. When he arrived, Meggy was outside waiting for him.

"Have you gone inside yet?" Luigi asked

Meggy shook her head "No, I wanted to wait for you, Apparently everyone is here, so one of them were bound to catch Mario leave"

Luigi nods and they both went inside, Even the Anti-Crew was hanging out

"Belle you're so mean!" Tari cries

"I literally just told you to get better?" Belle tells her with a smile

"I'm already good..."

"There it is" Belle pats her on the back "Let's go again!"

Tari smiles "Game on!"

"I haven't touched a Guitar in a while but..." Meggy giggled, starting to play the Guitar Saiko had lent her nearly flawlessly

"I didn't believe you before Saiko" Kaizo says "But she's good"

Saiko giggles "Wait till you hear Mario and Smg4! Mario might just take your place Kaizo" Saiko teased

"No way Mario is a better drummer than me!"

"Luigi!" Melony went up to Meggy and Luigi, Holding up a book in front of her face and she peeks from behind it with a smile "This is what I have currently for the Two Piece Manga! I was wondering if you could look it over for me"

Luigi smiled at her, he has been waiting for an update on it...Luigi shook his head, his smile fading "I would love to Melony, but Mario left without warning me this morning and isn't answering my calls, I want to make sure he's okay first"

"Is he here?" Meggy chimed in

Melony hummed, bringing the Manga down "Not to my knowledge...Bob and Boopkins were the first ones here...They tried looking for Smg3, 4, Neg4, and Mario, But they couldn't find them" She gasped, her smile fading "Do you think they're okay?"

"As long as they don't encounter any Corrupt Memes" Meggy tells her "But even then, I'm pretty sure they could handle it, Because Neg3 could handle them all on his own"

"I can try and ask the others to try and get in contact with them, but even now, did they even get far?"

"Till then, Meggy and I can go out and see if we can find them" Luigi decides

"Meggy and Luigi..." Tari came over to them "Before you go, I have to tell you something!"

"Sure Tari, What's up?" Meggy asks her

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