Chapter 12: It's Us or Them.... Part 2

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The Trio finally made it outside, It right away visible just how inhuman the Core could make someone. Their friends could put in all their effort but they'd still get exhausted, But 3 and 4 looked like they could just keep going...

"Neg4!" Tari cries out "We're running out of ideas!"

"Nothing's Hurting them!" Shroomy adds

"They're right..." Neg4 says quietly, bringing his hand to his mouth "It's on 4 and 3's end to weaken the Core...But even then, we have to land enough hits to reveal it..."

"Then we gotta hit them hard and fast" Melony pulls out her sword again

Neg4 pulls out a Meme and it also forms into a sword identical to hers "That's about all we can do since I can't use the Memes on Mario"

"Can you send energy from that sword?"

Neg4 shook his head "Unfortunately it's not as special as yours, But hopefully it'll help"

Melony nods "Then let's get our friends back!"

Neg4 nods "Right behind you!"

"Glitchy! Wait!" Mario calls out

3 and 4 were putting up shields, blocking any hit Melony and Neg4 tried to land hits on them. Whenever they put down the shields and sending Red Energy at the two

"That's exactly what they did to us!" Kaizo tells Mario "They let us land hit after hit until they found an opening where we were tired to hit us...We have to contain them somehow"

"Contain..." Mario starts

Everyone brought tubs to the edge of the buildings they were on and dumped them out

"4! Now!" Neg3 says quickly

"On it!" Neg4 brought his hands together, before Smg3 and Smg4 could land any attacks on them, Neg4 transmuted the Memes into energy and they started to go around Smg3 and 4

"That's it!" Mario gasped before calling out "Glitchy! Remember back in the City with the Meme Energy? Do that again!"

"Wh-What?" Neg4 questions before jumping back to dodge an attack "O-Okay, I can try..." He held his free hand out and Memes came from his pouch and formed into energy

Out of the corner of his eye, Kaizo noticed something behind Neg4. When he fully turned around, He saw Saiko, Meggy, Belle, and Luigi "Mario!" He called, pulling out his scythe and started running towards them

Mario's eyes followed where he was running and quickly followed him "GLITCHY! HURRY!" He cries out

Neg4 nodded "Melony, Watch out!" He called

Melony nods, Jumping back

Neg4 sends the energy to 3 and 4 and it surrounds them just like before

"Perfect! Again!" Melony cheers

Smg4 laughed "But for how long?"

"Get away from him!" Mario shouts, He was trying to keep Luigi and Meggy back

"Neg4! Can you get them too!?" Kaizo questions, He was trying to keep back Saiko and Belle

"Not without using too much energy..." Neg4 mumbles

"Great! Do it!"

Neg4 sighs softly before bringing out more Memes and turning them into energy, Cutting off Saiko, Belle, Meggy and Luigi

"What now Kaizo?" Mario looked at him as they both backed away from the energy

Kaizo was quiet for a moment before looking at Mario "I'm going to be 100% honest, I was expecting you or Neg4 to set me up for that..."

"With your fighting skills, I expected you to be the barrel Strategist of this operation" 4 grinned with a hum

"Not much of a fighter now, Huh Kaizo?" 3 smirked

Kaizo growled before running at them with his scythe

"Kaizo! Wait!" Neg4 calls out quickly, but Kaizo didn't listen

As Kaizo ran at them 3 and 4 took each others hands

Neg4's eyes widened as he remembered this happened already "KAIZO! GET BACK!"

Again, Kaizo didn't listen, He was about to swing his scythe but Red Energy came from the two guardians knocking the Meme Energy back, along with Kaizo and everyone else. Neg4 managed to stay up a little longer before also being knocked back.

He slowly sat up, holding his head. He gasped seeing the 3 and 4 looming above him, his eyes wide as he tried to start moving back.

"Haven't you already learned? Guardians are nothing on their own! Disappointing your failure is the way you find out..." The core's voice started to creep through 4

Red energy was sent at him, Neg4 shut his eyes tightly. But... He felt no impact, he slowly looked up and saw a shield around him and Meme Energy knocked 3 and 4 back

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic Book 2 (Complete, Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now