Chapter 10: Near Termination

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Neg3 brought down his shield "And if you are?"

"No use in questioning them anymore...The Core had more Dopples made so we heard everything..." Smg3 crossed his arms

"Dopples..." Neg4 brought his arms down for a moment

"4! Keep it up!" Neg3 says quickly

Neg4 brought his arms back up "So...Saiko and Belle...Luigi?"

"Yep" Smg4 puts simply "And they're all very much...'Chipped' I would say...Including Mario"

"Mario too!?" Mario panics

"No, he's lying, he's gotta be..." Neg3 tells him

"Maybe I am...Regardless...The only way to bring them back is to release the Core" Smg3 hums

"Wh-What!?" Neg4 questions "We want to save them, sure, but we don't want to risk the Smgs of this world! That defeats the purpose of having Smgs at all!"

"That is the choice, isn't it...? You can't keep that shield up forever and your 3 hates you so I doubt he'll help you out, so you're better off saving your energy and letting us inside"

"He's right you know..." Neg4 mutters, enough for Neg3 to hear

"No! If you put it down, he's going to call you weak and he's going to get the Gauntlets! Then it's game over!" Neg3 shouts then looks at Neg4 with a frown...his shouting definitely wasn't helping and he knew that...

"That's exactly what we want" Smg3 laughs, his eyes flashing yellow "Now, put the shield down..."

Mario looked behind them before looking back at Neg4 "Glitchy, put it down"

"What!?" Neg4 questions "If I do, They're going to get inside and hurt our friends!"

"Trust me, then you can put it right back up!"

Neg4 was hesitant, but trusting "Okay buddy, I trust you..." He brought the shield down and out came X and FM attacking Smg3 and 4 who quickly dodged

"Damn it!" FM clenched his teeth

"X! FM!" Neg4 says in relief, bringing the shield back up

"Hey, good to see you again, other 4!" X Smiles at him

"Mind telling us why our 4 and 3 are this way?" FM questions

"Later!" Neg3 tells him "Right now we have to keep them from getting into the school"

"The Gauntlets, right?" X's smiles faded but then he nodded "Right, we got it!"

Neg3 looks at Neg4 "4...I'm sorry, but you think you can keep that up?"

Neg4 hummed before speaking quietly "I'm not sure how long..."

"Our 1 and 2 should be done with the Gauntlets in no time, I promise!"

Neg4 glanced off to the side at those words

"Mario!" Neg3 pulled out some Memes from his pouch "Ready!"

Mario quickly nodded "Ready Neg3!"

Neg3 tossed the memes up and brought his hands together, beginning to transmute them "X and FM" He called out to the duo who were fighting back against Smg3 and 4 "Might want to watch out!"

"Right!" The moment the Memes went towards Mario, the duo moved aside but...

The moment the Memes went to Mario, they bounced off him like there was some sort of...barrier? It bounced off Mario and the different bits of Meme energy began to shoot around the front of the courtyard almost like pinballs

3 and 4: Kingdom's Termination- Smg4 Fanfic Book 2 (Complete, Under Revisions)Where stories live. Discover now