Cherry Blossoms

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Japan -Tokyo

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Japan -Tokyo

Second tour of the Kinnporche series session 2.

Ueno Park in Tokyo.

Sakura trees strong but gentle winds at the same time passing through the streets of Tokyo and mainly in Ueno park.

People passing by in the park and various sounds of children playing.

Tong: This country is so beautiful, I love coming here...!

Pong: So let's come here just the two of us next time... together.

Tong looks at him shyly, Ta behind the two of them, feeling single and a little angry that his girlfriend broke up with him.

Ta: I'm here too, you know that right?!... I want to throw up seeing all this love.

Apo smiling next to Ta.

Apo: You should be more romantic like them...

Us on the other side of Ta, teasing Ta.

Us: I don't think he knows that... You need to find someone else our you'll die single...

JJ next to Us looking for someone.

JJ: Have you all seen Khun Jeff?!

Bible to Build behind Apo, Us, Ta and JJ.

Bible: Where else would he be... ( Bible points with his head forward, JJ is in front of Bible looks where Bible points and sees Jeff walking alone towards a young man )... Jeff entered the park before us, he came looking for a child who is no longer a child...

Build grabbing Bible's hand smiling looking straight ahead at Jeff and the young man as Jeff approaches.

Build: Barcode is already 20 years old right?!...

Mile next to Apo, smiling also looking at the two standing in front of a Sakura tree.

Mile: He's going to do in five months... in August right?

Job smiling when he sees the two of them together despite what they've been through together, happy to see the happiness in Barcode's eyes a young man he considers a boring son who loves to tease him.

Job: The two will celebrate two years of dating! after three months after his birthday... The two don't come apart, they look like glue glued to each other...

Ping teasing Job next to him.

Ping: Why do you say that? Are you jealous that Barcode loves his boyfriend more than you?... hahaha...

Everyone started to laugh.

Jeff walking up to a young man who is dazzled by a Sakura tree, the wind blows hard making this same young man's hair fly together, this young man puts a hand forward in an attempt to take a cherry blossom.

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