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Barcode: I see that you're a good person, I don't want to lie to you, much less hide what's going on with me... I'll be honest with you... I love someone else.


Yaya is speechless and indignant but she didn't show it to Barcode instead she didn't say anything, Barcode saw that she was surprised and sad.

Barcode: I must tell you this now because I don't want there to be lies between us... I like someone else and that person is a man.

Yaya's eyes widen at this, wanting to ask something that she knows is a bit delicate to ask.

Yaya: So!... So you are...

Barcode knowing her question.

Barcode: I'm bisexual... I like both genders, I like both women and men... But at the moment I was dating this person... but this marriage made me separate from him...

Yaya sad.

Yaya: So you're being forced to marry me?!...

Barcode sad to see her like this, approaches her and gently grabs one of her hands.

Barcode: I like you... I really liked you... I wanted to say no to your question... but as I said, you are a special young woman and too good to be deceived by anyone, and even more with anyone that you just met... A stranger... even though I'm the son of your father's best friend, I'm still a stranger ( Barcode lets go of her hand )... But I have no choice but to marrying you... That's why this marriage will happen even if I don't want it.

Yaya is sad to hear these heartless words from Barcode, she has just fallen in love with him and at the same time ended up having a broken heart, sad.

Yaya: I'm sorry that you're being forced to marry me... But I really liked you, P'Barcode, and I...( She's too anxious, a little happy even hearing this truth from him, with wide-eyed )...I promise to make you happy... I promise to make you love me P'... I fell in love with you P'Barcode.

Barcode is surprised by this sudden declaration of love, he sees her anxious and hopeful look, without wanting to hurt her feelings Barcode just nodded.

Barcode: Hmm! ... thanks.

Barcode says goodbye to Yaya and goes home, for the first time Barcode is driving a car, he got his license a few months ago but he didn't want to drive yet, as this day he was going to have dinner with someone Barcode's father gave him the car to take Yaya at the arranged meeting.

Barcode continues to drive, he looks in the rearview mirror and sees a white car following him, he saw this as something normal so he followed the path to his house, upon arriving at his house Barcode parks the car in front of the house, get out of the car, closed the door and turn around.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now