In the Past, You Will Be There Tomorrow.Part3🔞

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Three months earlier

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Three months earlier.

Creamy: Do you think you have enough? That's why Barcode chose not to say anything to you.... Go away, I'll come to your house later to talk.

Bible: You knew you wouldn't achieve anything by going there... Why did you go?...

Bible looks to the side and sees a serious Jeff looking at the ceiling of the bedroom, imagining Barcode's face looking back at him as he screams for him.

Jeff: He loves me... He loves me... Why did this have to happen? Why do he and I only face pain? I don't understand!... I won't give up on him... I won't allow this marriage to happen.

Bible stops looking at him and looks straight ahead, sitting next to Jeff.

Bible: So don't give up and don't allow... Do the impossible and get what's yours.

Jeff listening to Bible's words, remained in absolute silence thinking about what to do from now on.

Jeff threw himself on the bed in his bedroom after leaving Bible's house, looking at the ceiling, drunk but more aware of everything that was going on.

Jeff: Damn, what am I going to do without you?.. I'm useless without your love and affection... I think I'm going to die... What are you doing to me Barcode?

Three days passed, Jeff left Barcode's house, arrived home all wet from the rain, furious that Barcode had told him to leave, stressed he takes off his shirt and throws it on the bed, goes to the bathroom and takes a shower.

Spend minutes in the bathroom.

He leaves the bathroom, goes to the bedroom gets dressed and throws himself on the bed, looking again at the ceiling with an empty look. Spending two hours looking in the same place trying to understand everything that is happening in just a short time, Jeff puts a hand over his eyes, covering his eyes.

Door slamming.

Jeff takes his hand off his eyes not wanting to get up, tired of everything but still getting up, leaves the bedroom, goes to the living room door, opens it and looks at the person who said her would be at his house soon.

Jeff: N'Creamy!... You came!

Creamy: I promised, didn't I?!... Are you going to let me in or do I have to stay outside?

Jeff: I should leave you out... Because of you, I didn't have the opportunity to talk to him...

Creamy rolls her eyes, without wanting Jeff's permission pushes him aside with one hand and get in, letting him look outside the house and her in the middle of the living room, Jeff closes the door, turns to look at her.

Jeff: So... What do you want?!

Creamy determined to do something so her brother wouldn't marry someone he didn't love, wanting to provoke Jeff.

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