Burning and Wet Desire

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Barcode: Ppp'... P'jeff!!!!

Jeff: I'm coming to you right now.


Barcode looks at the phone that has hung up, with his mouth open and his eyes wide open, he looks straight ahead and stands still for a few seconds without reacting, without wasting time in a hurry he quickly runs to the living room and finds Creamy, scared, agitated and worried, he immediately goes to his sister who is in the phone talking to someone sitting on the couch in the living room.

Barcode: P'Creamy!..

Creamy looks at him while talking to this person.

Creamy: What is it?!... Humn! Why are you like this?....( Creamy hangs up the phone ) ....did something happen?!

Barcode is terrified that Jeff has discovered the truth and knows that Jeff won't want to stay quiet, much less let him escape after discovering the real reasons for their separation, nervously puts both hands behind his head turning from side to side in the middle of the room.

Barcode: P'jeff!.... P'jeff is coming, he... He.. my god what am I going to...

Creamy gets up from the couch as soon as she hears Jeff's name, tries to touch Barcode and stop him from spinning like crazy in the middle of the room, worried.

Creamy: Stop for a while Barcode! you're making me dizzy spinning like crazy... What happened to him?!... Don't tell me he... found out...!

Barcode quickly.

Barcode: Yes... He found out and he's coming here... What do I do... What am I going to do... I can't be close to him... I don't know how to react, I don't know what I'm going to say... I'm sure he hates me now that he knows the truth? And I... I can't...

Creamy seeing her brother's desperation and nervousness, grabs both shoulders from the side.

Creamy: Calm down! Stay calm... I'll solve this...

Barcode is still nervous, worried about their father since he isn't seeing them at home because he spent the whole day in his room.

Barcode: What are you going to do?! The father? Where are our parents?!...If father and Jeff meet, they will...

Creamy lets go of Barcode's shoulders.

Creamy: Mom and father left... It will take a long time for them to arrive, until then I've already sent P'jeff away... Calm down.

Barcode can't stay calm.

Door slamming.

Barcode immediately looks aside and soon realizes that it is the man he loves so much who is banging on the door upset. Jeff seeing that no one is opening the door, shouts angrily.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now