Provocative Acting

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Creamy: Wait for me, I'll be there with you soon.


Creamy hangs up the phone, Barcode takes the phone out of his ear looks at the phone, still crying so hard, he went to the bathroom, took a shower.

Barcode comes out of the bathroom looking a little better, wet in his hair, he comes out of the bathroom cleaning his hair with one hand.

Trinn Trinn

Barcode looks at the phone he had placed on the bed as soon as he went to the bathroom, grabs it and looks at the name of the person who calls him, Barcode gives a slight smile.

Barcode: Hello N'Dami!... Why are you calling me at this hour?!

Dami: What are you talking about? It's not even 9 pm yet!... I called because Khun Dunk and I are going to the club, do you want to go?.

Barcode isn't in the mood right now, he's just had a desperate and painful time few hours, right now he doesn't feel like doing anything but staying at home.

Barcode: I think I'll pass, I don't wh...

Dami interrupts him speaking immediately and not wanting to hear him.

Dami: I don't care, I'm coming to get you, me and Khun Dunk.

She hangs up, Barcode tries to say something but hears the sound of the phone hanging up in his face, upset with Dami.

Barcode: This creature won't let me talk!... ( Barcode looks straight ahead )... But... I think I need this right now...I'll try to forget about the miserable life I'm having right now and have a little fun... Yeah... That's what I'm going to do.

Passing an hour.

Dami came to get him like she said.

The three went at the night club where they first went on Barcode's 18th birthday.

Barcode spent two hours drinking a few glasses of alcohol to try to forget about Jeff, he got drunk but he knew what he was doing, Dami worried about his friend, was not knowing what Barcode was going through lately.

Dami: Barcode are you sure you're okay?! You're drinking too much... I'm starting to suspect something has happened to you and him...What happened to you and P'jeff?!

Dami and Dunk still don't know that he and Jeff broke up, Barcode hearing Jeff's name grabbed another glass and drank the alcohol all at once, Dami widens his eyes and receives the glass immediately.

Dami: Barcode! don't do that, you're not like that...but what....?!

Sound of music, noises of people dancing.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now